RHYMESTER - Born To Lose - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RHYMESTER - Born To Lose

Born To Lose
Born To Lose
誰もが言った やめときな坊や それは海の向こうの一過性のジョークさ
Yet everyone said: “Give it up baby, that’s just a temporary joke from overseas
A sport not even you, a privileged boy from the Far East, has the right to imitate
キミは正しい ただし 正しかった がより正しい
You were right, however, right, but more correct
Now that from there and from here and from no-where in particular, it’s sung and my granny can hear it
あの日オマエがバカにしたそれだ しかもルーツはこのオレだ
That which you made fun of that day and that, moreover, yours truly started
されど いまだ負けてないだけ 言い換えりゃいまだに勝ててないわけ
But I am still only not losing, and to rephrase, I have still not won
Straight outta 近所 ありがちなパンピー日本男児 We can never be funky?
Straight outta the hood, the quintessential ordinary Japanese guy: We can never be funky?
今思えば相当無謀なバクチ 白紙に帰した荒唐無稽なタクティクス
Looking back, it was a totally reckless gamble, an absurd tactic that reduced us to zero
さあ喜べ ゼロからのスタート ゼロからのスパートのエキスパート
Well cheer up! Start from zero, sprint from zero. We are the starting from zero experts
I was...
I was...
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
(ラララー ラララー)
(La la la la la la la)
表現としてはやや不穏当 だが確かに本当 人生はほとんど笑うしかないコント
As an expression, it’s a little ominous. Yet, indeed, it’s absolutely true: life is mostly just a laughing comedy routine
しょーもない煩悩と得体の知れん混沌 に翻弄されて時間つぶしの禅問答
Trivial worries and an indeterminable chaos, fooling around with a Zen koan to kill some time
繰り返してる間に尽きちまう寿命 まるでただ居眠りして過ごしちまう授業
Repeated till our lifespan is exhausted, like just sleeping through a lesson
キンコンカンコーン まさしく諸行無常の響きあり 持ち時間は以上! って ああ無情
Ding-ding-ding-ding, precisely the impermanence of all things. Time’s up! Oh, how merciless
運命の女神だって薄情な悪女さ 優しく微笑 どころか冷たい苦笑
Even the goddess of fortune is a heartless b*tch. She doesn’t even smile gently, only sneers coldly
いつか読んだフィクションとは話が違い過ぎ 主役は楽勝だったはずだがチクショウ
Totally different from the fiction I once read. The hero was supposed to win easily. F*ck!
せめて歌に託そう 神様に苦情 白鳥にはなれないアヒルたちの主張
Let me at least put it in a song, a song of complaint to G-d, the argument of us ducks who can never become swans
ガーガーガー 超やかましい口調 で極上のお耳汚しカマしに行くぞ
Quack quack quack. In an incredibly noisy tone, we quack out this top-quality ear pollution
We are...
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
(ラララー ラララー)
(La la la la la la la)
「風はまた吹く」 誰かが歌う 吹き抜けりゃ再び枯れ葉が舞う
“The wind will blow again” someone sings. If it blows, the fallen leaves will dance again
もう慣れたらどうだ? なぜ抗うんだ? 踵から伸びた 影が笑うんだ
Well, aren’t you used to it by now? Why resist? The shadow from your heel laughs at you
Yes! オマエはまだNobody オレはNo one その可能性 に賭けるその他大勢
Yes! You’re still a nobody. I’m a no one. We bet on that possibility, we others
生きた心地はそれ自体以外に無い そうさすべてはオレ次第 オマエ次第
The sense of being alive exists in nothing else but itself. Yes, it all depends on me. It all depends on you
さあ喜べ 勝てる権利を 負ける権利を 笑える権利を 泣ける権利を
Well cheer up! The right to win, the right to lose, the right to laugh, the right to cry
これはHip Hopと呼ばれる無敵のジョークさ 評論家泣かせの奇跡のスポーツさ
This is the invincible joke called Hip Hop, a miraculous sport that makes critics cry
行くぜ野良犬 捨て犬 咬ませ犬 神のシナリオからの脱走者
Let’s go, like strays, abandoned dogs, bait dogs, dropouts from the divine scenario
生きている限り 望み続ける限り 既に We got to be the 勝者!
As long as we live, and as long as we hope, we gotta be the winners!
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Let's go again, It's time to win
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Not having been born anything, we raise our voices to become something
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Born to lose, Rhyme to win
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
Let's go again It's time to sing, Come on
(ラララー ラララー)
(La la la la la la la)

Авторы: 宇多丸, Sky Beatz, sky beatz

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