Riblja Corba - Zelena trava doma mog - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Riblja Corba - Zelena trava doma mog

Zelena trava doma mog
Green Grass of Home
Moj rodni grad je tamo dole
My hometown is down there
A tamo dole svi me vole
And there, everybody loves me
A ispred vrata cekajume ma i tata
And mom and dad wait for me in front of the gate
Ispred kuce ruke siri Mery
Mery waits in front of the house with her hands outstretched
Ja joj kazem "ajd ne seri,
I tell her, "don't get mad,
Ja idem da vidim zelenu travu doma mog"
I'm going to see the green grass of my home."
Evo me stizem iz daleka
Here I come from afar,
Gde trava nije bas i neka
Where the grass is not so great
Kraj rodne reke ima lepe trave meke
By my hometown river, there's beautiful, soft grass
Mene ceka cela familija
My whole family is waiting for me
Ocu da ih vidim i ja,
I want to see them too,
Al sad mi je preca zelena trava doma mog
But right now, the green grass of my home takes priority
Jebi ga, onda sam se probudio
Damn, then I woke up
I sam sam se sebi cudio
And I was surprised by myself
I zamalo da me strefi slog
And I almost had a stroke
Video sam cetiri zida me okruzuju
I saw four walls surrounding me
I shvatio da me optuzuju
And I realized that they were accusing me
Sto sam tajio
Because I had hidden
Da sam gajio zelenu travu doma mog
That I had grown the green grass of my home
Oce da mi rikne moja cuka
My grandmother wants to yell at me
Oce da me strefi slog
My grandfather wants to hit me
Sto ne mogu da vidim zelenu travu doma mog
Because I can't see the green grass of my home

Авторы: Bora Djordevic, Riblja čorba

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