Richard Müller - Hlava V Smútku - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Richard Müller - Hlava V Smútku

Hlava V Smútku
Sad Head
Bolo pol desiatej
It was half past nine
V kaviarni hustol dym
The smoke thickened in the cafe
Z prítmia sa vyliahla najkrajšia z otrokýň
From the darkness emerged the most beautiful of bondmaids
Tisíc a jednej noci
A thousand and one nights
Napohľad plachá a práve tým dráždivá
Shy at first glance, and even more provocative
Krása čo každého upálí za živa
A beauty that burns everyone alive
Keď oheň nie je len pocit
When fire is not just a feeling
Vraj každú krásu len znásobí drobný kaz
They say that a flaw only magnifies beauty
Tej žene s očami lane sa ani raz
But on that woman with Bambi eyes
Nemihol na tvári úsmev
A smile never flickered
Možno ju nivočí tajomný neznámy
Perhaps she was ravaged by a mysterious stranger
By infidelity
Pitím či hustými rečami
By drinking or harsh words
Srdce jej zanechal pusté
Her heart was barren
Mal som kúpené Tak som sa osmelil
I already had my drink paid for, so I took my chance
Hviezdy sa tlačili v nebeskej posteli
The stars were crowding into the celestial bed
Za oknom kaviarne Orient
Outside the cafe window the orient
Keď som si prisadol z očí jej vyvrela
When I sat down, lava surged from her eyes
Láva čo hasila životy v Pompejach
That quenched the life in Pompeii
Vedel som hneď čo mi povie
I knew at once what she would say
"Radšej si odsadni tajomný neznámy
"You must leave me, mysterious stranger
Budeš ma nivočiť hustými rečami
You will destroy me with your harsh words
A zahneš mi za minutku"
And you will cheat on me in a heartbeat"
Potom ss pobrala od svojej tequily
Then she departed from her tequila
Možnože niekam do útulku pre víly
Perhaps to a shelter for fairies
Zostala mi hlava v smútku
I was left with my head in sadness
Prečo mám hlavu v smútku
Why is my head in sadness?
Skolonený nad tequilou
Hunched over my tequila
Veď som s ňou za minutku
Since I was with her in a heartbeat
Minul celý svoj život
She wasted her whole life

Авторы: Ondrej Brzobohaty, Peter Ulicny

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