Richard Müller - Hotel Spomienok - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Richard Müller - Hotel Spomienok

Hotel Spomienok
Hotel of Memories
Kľúč od izby nadúva mi gate
The key to the room puffs up my pants
Kufre čo tu so mnou hráte?
Suitcases, what are you playing at?
Zaplatil som vopred dole
I paid in advance downstairs
Jednu noc a veľký grog
One night and a big grog
V hoteli spomienok
In the Hotel of Memories
Recepčný čo robil tento čaj
The receptionist who made this tea
Mi tam drogu dáku primiešal
Spiked it with some drug for me
Zaplatil som vopred dole
I paid in advance downstairs
Jednu izbu s príslušenstvom
One room with a bathroom
Tento pajzel smrdí svinstvom
This dump stinks of garbage
Ja a ja dvaja divní bratia
Me and two weird brothers
Čo dúfajú že sa hravo stratia
Who hope to easily get lost
V jednej izbe štyri steny
Four walls in one room
Publikum je v presile
The audience is overwhelming
Vstúpili sme v tesile!
We entered in a hearse!
V hoteli spomienok je vždycky hlučno
The Hotel of Memories is always noisy
S upratovačkou božsky tučnou
With a divinely plump cleaner
Všetci si to rozdali
Everybody got lucky
A ak boh
And if God wills it
Môžu si to aj spolu rozdať!
They might even get lucky together!
V umývadle kvapká teplá voda
Warm water drips in the sink
Nesmieš sa tomu nikdy poddať
You must never succumb to it
Detstvo preletíte ja k strela
Childhood you fly by like an arrow
Ako ten dáždnik čierny
Like that black umbrella
Čo v caffé union si lehní
That lies down in the Caffé Union
Posteľ ako charakter je mäkká
The bed is soft like character
Kde bola vlastne tvoja mekka?
Where was your Mecca?
Celý svet sa ti vysmial
The whole world has already laughed at you
Zásluhou verejnej mienky
Thanks to public opinion
Teraz sušíš iba spomienky
Now you only dry memories
Berieš sa vážne ako nočný stolík
You take yourself as seriously as a nightstand
Ten tam však roky hrdo stojí
But it has stood proudly for years
Nezaváhal v žiadnej bitke
It has not hesitated in any battle
A ty smiešny bežec z bojísk
And you, ridiculous runner from the battlefields
aj jeho sa tuším bojíš
I think you are afraid of even it
Album fotiek rozkladáme v hlave
We spread out an album of photos in our minds
Ako sme smiešne nebiehali sláve
How ridiculously we didn't run for glory
Hotel je plný takých
The hotel is full of such people
A v kotloch ostré strely
And sharp bullets in the boilers
Len aby sme všetci nepomreli!
Just so that we don't all die!
Šaty dolu! nahí sme tu chlapče
Clothes off! We're naked here, boy
Jeden teda poberie sa radšej
So one had better leave now
Zastav svoje rýchle kroky
Stop your quick steps
Poštoľ v roke robí divy
The PISTOL does wonders in a year
Mŕtvy je a bol tak živý
He is dead and he was so alive
keď odstrelia sa spolu
Only when they shoot themselves together
Vtedy chápu pravdu holú
Then they understand the naked truth
dvaja pokrvní bratia
Those two blood brothers
Jekyll s hydeom v jednom hrobe
Jekyll and Hyde in one grave
A v jednej smútočnej róbe
And in one mourning gown
Takých k stenám cintorínov
Such people belong against the walls of cemeteries
Nech pasujú sa s vlastnou vinou
Let them come to terms with their own guilt
Hotel je im príliš veľký
The hotel is too big for them
S revolverom na hrudnom koši
With a revolver against their chest
Si mohli ešte chvíľu požiť
You could have enjoyed yourselves a little longer
Kľúče sa dolu samé húpu
The keys are already wagging themselves downstairs
Načo sa spomínať?
Why should we remember?
Z čela sfúkneš pramienok
You blow a lock of hair off your forehead
Cestou z hotela spomienok
On the way out of the Hotel of Memories
To nie je koniec!
This is not the end!
Buďte v kľude!
Be at ease!
Oddajte sa kľudne nude
Give yourselves up to boredom
Vrátite sa iste rýchlo
You will surely be back quickly
Áno ty a s tebou on
Yes, you and he
Nezaplatitli ste telefón
You didn't pay for the telephone

Авторы: Jaroslav Filip, Richard Müller

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