Richard Müller - Nohy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Richard Müller - Nohy

Nohy ako symbol strohý
Legs, the austere symbol
Ženskej kráse dajú pohyb
That gives motion to feminine beauty
Po nohách sa predsa blíži
For it is on legs that approaches
Ďalší malý hriešny krížik
Another little sinful cross
Zaľúbil som sa vám do nôh
I have fallen in love with your legs
Priznávam to celkom rovno
I admit it quite straightforwardly
Kompas s nimi kráča na juh
The compass walks south with them
Nohy sa vám červenajú
Your legs are blushing
V centrále vám zhasli svetlá
The lights have gone out in your head office
Nie na nohách Trochu vedľa
Not on your legs, just a little to the side
A prečo som tak zmrazený
And why am I so frozen
Veď nohy stoja na zemi
When your legs are standing on the ground
Pri kompase sa obe stretli
At the compass they both met
Tam kde fúka porno vetrík
Where the porn wind blows
Na sever cesta schodná
The path to the north is already passable
Vylížem vás celkom do dna
I will lick you completely clean
I mana mine kanakoumaninfo
I mana mine kanakoumaninfo
Mousonioumamni kanakoumtiaya
Mousonioumamni kanakoumtiaya
Pýtam sa vás s majstrom Kunderom
I ask you, with master Kundera
Nie je tým nohám smutno iba dvom
Aren't those two legs a little sad
Tento problém nás tak jatrí
This problem torments us so much
Nohy Prečo nie ste tak tri?
Legs, why aren't there three of you?

Авторы: Jaroslav Filip, Richard Müller

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