Ricky hombre libre - Illuminati - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ricky hombre libre - Illuminati

Son Illuminati, no quieren que conectes con tu esencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want you to connect with your essence,
Viven fomentando la ignorancia,
They live by promoting ignorance,
Son Illuminati, está más que probada su existencia,
They are the Illuminati, their existence is more than proven,
No quieren que le demos importancia,
They don't want us to give it importance,
Son Illuminati, no quieren que se expanda tu conciencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want your consciousness to expand,
Quieren aumentar nuestra distancia,
They want to increase our distance,
Son Illuminati, en cada esquina siento su presencia,
They are the Illuminati, I feel their presence on every corner,
Y en vuestro miedo siento su fragancia.
And in your fear I feel their fragrance.
Son Illuminati
They are the Illuminati
Existen, hay hechos que lo corroboran
They exist, there are facts that corroborate it
Están sentados en el trono mientras te controlan
They are sitting on the throne while they control you
Desde la cima, unos ríen, otros lloran
From the top, some laugh, others cry
Ellos tienen el poder para nosotros las cosas empeoran
They have the power to make things worse for us
Líderes del mundo, el nuevo orden mundial
World leaders, the new world order
Imprimen los billetes con su logo en el dorsal
They print the bills with their logo on the back
Vivimos en una puta burbuja de cristal
We live in a fucking glass bubble
El ojo que todo lo ve desde una empresa multinacional
The eye that sees everything from a multinational company
Masones de alto rango en las altas esferas
High-ranking Freemasons in the high spheres
Ellos son los que destruyeron las torres gemelas
They are the ones who destroyed the twin towers
Controlando los medios de comunicación
Controlling the media
Poniendo la misma noticia en todas las putas cadenas
Putting the same news on every fucking channel
Ellos mataron a John Lennon y a Tupac
They killed John Lennon and Tupac
A Kennedy y a Michael Jackson por hablar de más
Kennedy and Michael Jackson for talking too much
Los de Google te controlan saben donde estás
Google is controlling you, they know where you are
Tienen todos los datos sobre ti porque tu se los das.
They have all the data about you because you give it to them.
Son Illuminati, no quieren que conectes con tu esencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want you to connect with your essence,
Viven fomentando la ignorancia,
They live by promoting ignorance,
Son Illuminati, está más que probada su existencia,
They are the Illuminati, their existence is more than proven,
No quieren que le demos importancia,
They don't want us to give it importance,
Son Illuminati, no quieren que se expanda tu conciencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want your consciousness to expand,
Quieren aumentar nuestra distancia,
They want to increase our distance,
Son Illuminati, en cada esquina siento su presencia,
They are the Illuminati, I feel their presence on every corner,
Y en vuestro miedo siento su fragancia.
And in your fear I feel their fragrance.
Son Illuminati
They are the Illuminati
Ellos escriben tus libros de texto
They write your textbooks
Despiertan tus cinco sentidos y ocultan el sexto
They awaken your five senses and hide the sixth
Te entretienen por las teles por las redes
They entertain you by TV by networks
Divulgando contenidos y ocupando tu mente con sexo
Disseminating content and occupying your mind with sex
Quieren que te sientas inferior
They want you to feel inferior
Que no des con el amor y que te sientas solo en este mundo
That you don't find love and that you feel alone in this world
Párate por un segundo y piensa
Stop for a second and think
Nos prefieren separados manteniendo a la gente indefensa
They prefer us separated keeping people defenseless
El Área 51, yo no soy conspiranoico
Area 51, I'm not a conspiracy theorist
Invaden países bajo el lema de un ataque heroico
They invade countries under the motto of a heroic attack
Matan con control estoico
They kill with stoic control
Yo solo me baso en lo que veo, lo que siento y lo que oigo
I just base myself on what I see, what I feel and what I hear
Iré directo al grano, hablan de algún reptiliano
I'll get straight to the point, they're talking about some reptilian
Me cuesta creerlo pero tampoco apostaría una mano
It's hard for me to believe, but I wouldn't bet a hand either
La pirámides, los símbolos, los atentados
The pyramids, the symbols, the attacks
Aviones que se pierden y nunca son encontrados.
Planes that get lost and are never found.
Son Illuminati, no quieren que conectes con tu esencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want you to connect with your essence,
Viven fomentando la ignorancia,
They live by promoting ignorance,
Son Illuminati, está más que probada su existencia,
They are the Illuminati, their existence is more than proven,
No quieren que le demos importancia,
They don't want us to give it importance,
Son Illuminati, no quieren que se expanda tu conciencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want your consciousness to expand,
Quieren aumentar nuestra distancia,
They want to increase our distance,
Son Illuminati, en cada esquina siento su presencia,
They are the Illuminati, I feel their presence on every corner,
Y en vuestro miedo siento su fragancia.
And in your fear I feel their fragrance.
Son Illuminati
They are the Illuminati
Niegan el contacto con extraterrestres
They deny contact with aliens
Hay mensajes ocultos en pinturas rupestres
There are hidden messages in cave paintings
Prohíben plantas que abren puertas al conocimiento
They ban plants that open doors to knowledge
No quieren que busques respuestas en las flores silvestres
They don't want you to look for answers in wildflowers
Ufos tallados en las piedras
UFOs carved in the stones
Civilizaciones perdidas de las que ni te acuerdas
Lost civilizations you don't even remember
Llevan siglos ocultando la verdad
They've been hiding the truth for centuries
Todas las enfermedades de este mundo se curan con hierbas
All the diseases of this world are cured with herbs
Fumigan el cielo con los Chemtrails
They fumigate the sky with Chemtrails
Os importa una mierda y así de bien vais
You don't give a shit and that's how well you're doing
Mientras os lavan el cerebro sin que lo sepáis
While they brainwash you without you knowing
Yo sigo lanzando este mensaje a ver si os despertáis
I keep sending this message to see if you wake up
Nos alejan del contacto con lo espiritual
They distance us from contact with the spiritual
De la verdad más profunda y la más fundamental
From the deepest and most fundamental truth
Eres mucho más de lo que crees que eres
You are much more than you think you are
Date paz para ti mismo, irradia amor para todos los seres.
Give yourself peace, radiate love for all beings.
Son Illuminati, no quieren que conectes con tu esencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want you to connect with your essence,
Viven fomentando la ignorancia,
They live by promoting ignorance,
Son Illuminati, está más que probada su existencia,
They are the Illuminati, their existence is more than proven,
No quieren que le demos importancia,
They don't want us to give it importance,
Son Illuminati, no quieren que se expanda tu conciencia,
They are the Illuminati, they don't want your consciousness to expand,
Quieren aumentar nuestra distancia,
They want to increase our distance,
Son Illuminati, en cada esquina siento su presencia,
They are the Illuminati, I feel their presence on every corner,
Y en vuestro miedo siento su fragancia.
And in your fear I feel their fragrance.

Авторы: Paulo Casás, Ricardo Lopez

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