Ricky hombre libre - Todo Llega - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ricky hombre libre - Todo Llega

Todo Llega
Everything Comes
Todo llega
Everything comes
Todo pasa
Everything passes
Todo cambia
Everything changes
La mochila
The backpack
Los viajes
The journeys
La distancia
The distance
Los recuerdos
The memories
Las fotos
The photos
Las circunstancias
The circumstances
Experiencias que son de suma importancia
Experiences that are of paramount importance
La familia
The family
Los abrazos
The hugs
Los te quieros
The I love yous
Los amigos
The friends
Los de siempre
The forever friends
Los primeros
The first ones
Las personas que han pasado por mi vida
The people who have passed through my life
Esta canción es lo mejor que yo puedo ofreceros
This song is the best that I can offer you
Gracias vida
Thank you, life
Me has dado tanto
You have given me so much
Tu me entregaste el talento por eso canto
You gave me the talent, that's why I sing
Tu me llevaste del fondo hacia lo más alto
You took me from the bottom to the top
Me entregué a tu voluntad y desde entonces ya nunca me achanto
I surrendered to your will and since then I never flinch
Gracias vida
Thank you, life
Me diste alas
You gave me wings
Me enseñaste a amar incluso a los que me trataron mal
You taught me to love even those who treated me badly
Más que de los libros aprendí de las miradas
More than from books, I learned from the looks
Tu me diste fuerzas en la sala de aquel hospital
You gave me strength in the room of that hospital
Por los momentos que viví
For the moments I lived
Personas que conocí
People I met
Hoy están aquí
Today they are here
En mi corazón guardadas
In my heart kept
Yo me entrego a ti
I give myself to you
Tu ya te entregaste a mi
You already gave yourself to me
Es así
It's like that
Yo respondo a todas tus llamadas
I answer all your calls
Gracias vida
Thank you, life
No se me olvida
I don't forget
Siempre voy a ser una persona agradecida
I will always be a grateful person
Gracias porque tu me has dado todo sin que te lo pida
Thank you because you have given me everything without me asking for it
De todas mis vidas pasadas esta es mi preferida
Of all my past lives, this is my favorite
Fiction! Or reality?!
Fiction! Or reality?!
You gotta Keep yourself alive
You gotta Keep yourself alive
On the right direction
On the right direction
You gotta listen!
You gotta listen!
To your heart
To your heart
Don't refuse to feel
Don't refuse to feel
Every second of your time.
Every second of your time.
Gracias vida, por mi familia
Thank you, life, for my family
Porque en nuestra mesa nunca falta un plato de comida
Because at our table, a plate of food is never missing
Por mi madre, su regazo, mi guarida
For my mother, her lap, my lair
Por el abrazo de llegada y el llanto de despedida
For the arrival hug and the farewell cry
Gracias vida, me has bendecido
Thank you, life, you have blessed me
La suerte siempre me ha favorecido desde que he nacido
Luck has always favored me since I was born
Por mi hermana y por todo lo compartido
For my sister and for everything we shared
Por la gente a la que tengo lejos y aún así me siento unido
For the people I have far away and still feel connected to
Gracias vida, por tus milagros
Thank you, life, for your miracles
En tu naturaleza hay más arte que en todos esos cuadros
In your nature, there is more art than in all those paintings
Por la lluvia, las montañas y los prados
For the rain, the mountains and the meadows
Por los veranos bajo un sol de 30 grados
For summers under a 30-degree sun
Gracias vida, por tu paciencia
Thank you, life, for your patience
Por cada vez que respiro sintiendo tu presencia
For every time I breathe feeling your presence
Me has dado pensamientos elevados
You have given me elevated thoughts
Me has llevado a los estados alterados de conciencia
You have taken me to altered states of consciousness
Fiction! Or reality?!
Fiction! Or reality?!
You gotta Keep yourself alive
You gotta Keep yourself alive
On the right direction
On the right direction
You gotta listen
You gotta listen!
To your heart
To your heart
Dont refuse to feel
Dont refuse to feel
Every second of your time
Every second of your time
Todo llega
Everything comes
Todo pasa
Everything passes
Todo cambia
Everything changes
La mochila
The backpack
Los viajes
The journeys
La distancia
The distance
Los recuerdos
The memories
Las fotos
The photos
Las circunstancias
The circumstances
Experiencias que son de suma importancia
Experiences that are of paramount importance
La familia
The family
Los abrazos
The hugs
Los te quieros
The I love yous
Los amigos
The friends
Los de siempre
The forever friends
Los primeros
The first ones
Las personas que han pasado por mi vida
The people who have passed through my life
Esta canción es lo mejor que yo puedo ofreceros
This song is the best that I can offer you
I Must be thankful to my brothers
I Must be thankful to my brothers
That always helped me to stay true
That always helped me to stay true
I never thought there was an audience
I never thought there was an audience
That supported my trip to you
That supported my trip to you
Cause' i was supposed to give up
Cause' i was supposed to give up
But my heart was always pure
But my heart was always pure
We were more than just a number
We were more than just a number
And we wanted to find the truth
And we wanted to find the truth
Fiction! Or reality?!
Fiction! Or reality?!
You gotta Keep yourself alive
You gotta Keep yourself alive
On the right direction
On the right direction
You gotta listen!
You gotta listen!
To your heart
To your heart
Don't refuse to feel
Don't refuse to feel
Every second of your time
Every second of your time

Авторы: Ivan Perez, Ricardo Lopez

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