Rimski - Prokleto Sam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rimski - Prokleto Sam

Prokleto Sam
I'm Damned
Moja čuka više ne kuca u istom ritmu
My heart doesn't beat the same anymore
Ne moraš ništa da pričaš ja sve vidim ti na licu
You don't have to say anything, I see it all on your face
Mala, ne foliraj sa tim suzama
Baby, don't fake those tears
Ja se vraćam u normalu da izlupam par guzova
I'm going back to normal, gonna smash a few asses
Jebemu mater nije moglo drugačije
Damn it, it couldn't be any other way
Iskuliraj, to je seks, alo bre ne pali se
Chill, it's just sex, come on, don't get attached
Neću ni patetiku, jebeš to
I won't do pathetic, fuck that
Ja šibam dalje, jer se ovaj pas vezuje
I keep going, 'cause this dog is chained
Samo oko svoje kajle
Only around his bitch
A ti pređeš, grebeš moje tetovaže
And you cross over, scratching my tattoos
Al′ me ostavi da spavam
But let me sleep
I kad izađeš sa gajbe
And when you leave the club
Jer ti najbolje me znaš, bolje je da kažem možda
Because you know me best, well, maybe it's better to say
Znaš ko najbolje te hefta
You know who fucks you best
Ko ispomera ti mozak
Who moves your brain
Nekad pritisak me natera da posumnjam u uspeh
Sometimes the pressure makes me doubt success
Ja sam izgubljen u viskiju, dok ljube me kurve
I'm lost in whiskey, while whores kiss me
Tvrdoglava bitanga i ljubomorno pseto
Stubborn bitch and jealous dog
Sve je kul bejbe, ja sam onaj isti dečko
It's all cool babe, I'm the same guy
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Ali sigurno znam
But I know for sure
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako prokleto sam
I'm so damned
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako jebeno sam, tako prokleto sam
I'm so fucked up, I'm so damned
Sve je otišlo u kurac
Everything went to shit
što me pitaš ko je kriv
why are you asking me who's to blame
Nema hepi enda ovo nije holivudski film
There's no happy ending, this isn't a Hollywood movie
Znaš da bio sam sa ovom, i sa onom
You know I was with this one, and with that one
I sa onom, i sa ovom
And with that one, and with this one
Al' se šatro ni sa jednom nisam,khm
But I pretend I wasn't with any of them, khm
Ko sa tobom
Like I was with you
Popijem, pa pravim gluposti
I drink, then I do stupid things
Dole na uglu čekaju me moji drugovi
Down the corner, my friends are waiting for me
Okej, ti si znala da me digneš
Okay, you knew how to lift me up
Kada me povuče ulica
When the streets pull me in
Jer sam visio, sa lopovima, s dilerima, s fuksama
Because I was hanging out with thieves, dealers, hustlers
A ti si ćutala
And you were silent
Nisam rekao da ćutiš
I didn't tell you to be silent
Ja sam možda drugačiji od drugih
Maybe I'm different from others
Ovih dana samo slušam
These days I only hear
"Smanji piće, piješ previše"
"Cut back on the booze, you drink too much"
Kučke kažu da me vole
Bitches say they love me
Ali ja to više ne čujem
But I don't hear it anymore
Rimokila greh, jer radi
Rimokila sin, 'cause he works
Sve sam naučen da trpim
I'm taught to endure everything
Pleja bejbe kad zaboli
Playa babe, when it hurts
Kao isfuram se osmehom
How I fake a smile
Moja robija je ta što sam takav kakav jesam
My prison is that I am what I am
Baby don′t cry jer da volim ja to ne znam
Baby don't cry, 'cause I don't know how to love
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Ali sigurno znam
But I know for sure
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako prokleto sam
I'm so damned
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako jebeno sam, tako prokleto sam
I'm so fucked up, I'm so damned
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Ali sigurno znam
But I know for sure
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako prokleto sam
I'm so damned
Nikad više kao tad
Never again like then
Ti nisi ta ja nisam taj
You're not the one, I'm not the one
Na kraju ostajem sam
In the end I stay alone
Tako jebeno sam, tako prokleto sam
I'm so fucked up, I'm so damned

Авторы: Premil Jovanovic, Rr

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