Red, red burning sky Sunset is over today Celebrate, and pray again for tomorrow's Dream, and sink into the night darkness Welcome the dream of eternal happiness The clear sky overlaps you, hope
彷徨うは人の心 うつろい揺れ返し 命の歯車 軋む音
People's hearts are wandering Hesitating and swaying The gears of life Grinding sound
この世界 愛おしく すべては輝いて
This world is beautiful Everything is shining
緑 芽吹く春の朝焼け 熱れ汗流す夏 落ち葉纏う秋の夕景 息の凍る冬枯れ 時を
Green sprouting spring sunrise Sweat in the hot summer The autumn evening wrapped in fallen leaves The icy breath of winter Time
過ごし人は生きづく 友と手と手取り合い 愛する人守り続けて 生きていく
People come alive with each passing season Holding hands with friends Protecting your loved ones and living on
Red, red burning sky Believe in eternal covenant In the morning and evening I continue to pray for the happiness of people Red, red burning sky Light, wearing my raven hair Praying for this happiness
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