Roberto Murolo - Lo Guarracino - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Roberto Murolo - Lo Guarracino

Lo Guarracino
The Handsome Goby
Lo Guarracino che jéva pe mare
The handsome goby who swam through the sea
Le venne voglia de se 'nzorare
Had the desire to get married
Se facette nu bello vestito
He made himself a beautiful suit
De scarde de spine pulito pulito
Of fish bones, clean and neat
Cu na parrucca tutta 'ngrifata
With a wig all ruffled
De ziarèlle 'mbrasciolata
Made of sea snails entwined
Co lo sciabò, scolla e puzine
With a sword, glue and feathers
De ponte angrese fine fine
Of the finest English bridge
Cu li cazune de rezze de funno
With trousers of seaweed lace
Scarpe e cazette de pelle de tunno
Shoes and socks of tuna skin
E sciammeria e sciammereino
And a jacket and a small jacket
D'aleche e pile de voje marino
Of anchovies and sea urchin spines
Co buttune e bottunera
With buttons and buttonholes
D'uocchie de purpe, secce e fera
Of dried and fierce octopus eyes
Fibbia, spata e sciocche 'ndorate
Buckle, sword and gilded tassels
De niro de secce e fele d'achiate
Of cuttlefish ink and eel gall
Doje belle cateniglie
Two beautiful little chains
De premmone de conchiglie
Of shrimp from the shells
No cappiello aggallonato
A hat adorned
De codarino d'aluzzo salato,
With a salted shad tail,
Tutto pòsema e steratiello
All perfumed and elegant
Jeva facenno lo sbafantiello
He went around showing off
E gerava da ccà e da llà
And he searched here and there
La 'nnammorata pe se trovà!
To find a sweetheart for himself!
La Sardella a lo barcone
The sardine at the balcony
Steva sonanno lo calascione
Was playing the bagpipes
E a suono de trommetta
And to the sound of a trumpet
Leva cantanno st'arietta:
She sang this little song:
"E llarè lo mare e lena"
"The sea roars and blows"
"E la figlia da sià Lena"
"And the daughter of Aunt Lena"
"Ha lasciato lo nnamorato"
"Has left her lover"
"Pecché niente l'ha rialato"
"Because he gave her nothing"
Lo Guarracino 'nche la guardaje
The goby, looking at her,
De la Sardella se 'nnamoraje
Fell in love with the sardine
Se ne jette da na Vavosa
He went to a mussel
La cchiù vecchia maleziosa
The oldest and most cunning
L'ebbe bona rialata
He had a good gift for her
Pe mannarle la mmasciata
To send her the message
La Vavosa pisse pisse
The mussel, whispering,
Chiatto e tunno nce lo disse
Told the tuna about it
La Sardella 'nch'a sentette
When the sardine heard it
Rossa rossa se facette
She turned red as a beet
Pe lo scuorno che se pigliaje
Because of the anger she felt
Sotto a no scuoglio se 'mpizzaje
She hid under a rock
Ma la vecchia de la Vavosa
But the old mussel
Subbeto disse: "Ah schefenzosa!"
Immediately said: "Ah, shameless one!"
"De sta manera non truove partito"
"This way you won't find a match"
"'Ncanna te resta lo marito"
"You'll be left without a husband"
"Se aje voglia de t'allocà"
"If you want to get married"
"Tanta smorfie non aje da fa'"
"You shouldn't make so many faces"
"Fora le zeze e fora lo scuorno"
"Get rid of your airs and your anger"
"Anema e core e faccia de cuorno"
"Soul and heart and a face of stone"
Ciò sentenno la sié Sardella
Hearing this, the sardine
S'affacciaje a la fenestrella
Showed herself at the little window
Fece n'uocchio a zennariello
She made a sly look
A lo speruto 'nnammoratiello
At the skinny little lover
Ma la patella che steva de posta
But the limpet, who was watching,
La chiammaje faccia tosta
Called her shameless
Tradetora, sbrevognata
Traitor, brazen
Senza parola, male nata
Without a word, ill-born
Ch'avea 'nchiantato l'Alletterato
Who had dumped the Smelt
Primmo e antico 'nnamorato
Her first and old lover
De carrera da chisto jette
She ran to him
E ogne cosa 'lle dicette
And told him everything
Quanno lo 'ntise lo poveriello
When the poor little guy heard it
Se lo pigliaje Farfariello
He was possessed by the devil
Jette a la casa e s'armaje e rasulo
He went home, armed himself and shaved
Se carrecaje comm'a no mulo
He loaded himself up like a mule
De scoppette e de spingarde
With rifles and shotguns
Povere, palle, stoppa e scarde
Gunpowder, balls, wads and cards
Quattro pistole e tre bajonette
Four pistols and three bayonets
Dint'a la sacca se mettette
He put in his bag
'Ncopp'a li spalle sittanta pistune
On his shoulders, seventy pistons
Ottanta mbomme e novanta cannune
Eighty bombs and ninety cannons
E comm'a guappo Pallarino
And like a tough guy, Pallarino
Jeva trovanno lo Guarracino
He went looking for the goby
La disgrazia a chisto portaje
Bad luck brought him
Che mmiezo a la chiazza te lo 'ncontraje:
Right in the middle of the square he met him:
Se l'afferra p' 'o crovattino
He grabbed him by the tie
E po lle dice: "Ah malandrino!"
And then he said to him: "Ah, scoundrel!"
"Tu me lieve la 'nnammorata"
"You're taking my sweetheart away"
"E pigliatella sta mazziata"
"And take this beating"
Tuffete e taffete a meliune
Punches and slaps by the millions
Le deva pàccare e secuzzune
He gave him kicks and shakes
Schiaffe, ponie e perepesse
Slams, punches and headbutts
Scoppolune, fecozze e conesse
Head bops, fig signs and rude gestures
Scerevecchiune e sicutennosse
Neck twists and hair pulls
E ll'ammacca osse e pilosse
And he crushed his bones and hair
Venimmoncenne ch'a lo rommore
Hearing the commotion
Pariente e amice ascettero fore
Relatives and friends rushed out
Chi co mazze, cortielle e cortelle
Some with sticks, clubs and knives
Chi co spate, spatune e spatelle
Some with swords, big swords and small swords
Chiste co barre e chille co spite
These with bars and those with spits
Chi co ammennole e chi co antrite
Some with almonds and some with anchovies
Chi co tenaglie e chi co martielle
Some with pliers and some with hammers
Chi co torrone e sosamielle
Some with nougat and sesame candies
Patre, figlie, marite e mogliere
Fathers, daughters, husbands and wives
S'azzuffajeno comm'a fere
They fought like wild beasts
A meliune correvano a strisce
Millions ran in streaks
De sto partito e de chillo li pisce
Of this side and that side, the fish
Che bediste de sarde e d'alose!
What a sight of sardines and anchovies!
De palaje e raje petrose!
Of stingrays and thorny rays!
Sarache, dientece ed achiate
Sardines, dentex and eels
Scurme, tunne e alletterate!
Scorpionfish, tuna and smelts!
Pisce palumme e pescatrice
Sea bream, groupers and anglerfish
Scuorfene, cernie e alice
Scorpionfish, groupers and anchovies
Mucchie, ricciole, musdee e mazzune
Mackerel, rockfish, mussels and mackerels
Stelle, aluzze e storiune
Starfish, shad and sturgeons
Merluzze, ruongole e murene
Hake, clams and moray eels
Capodoglie, orche e vallene
Sperm whales, orcas and whales
Capitune, auglie e arenghe
Eels, needlefish and herrings
Ciefere, cuocce, tracene e tenche
Gray mullets, gurnards, picarels and tench
Treglie, tremmole, trotte e tunne
Red mullets, trembles, trout and tuna
Fiche, cepolle, laune e retunne
Figs, onions, moons and turnips
Purpe, secce e calamare
Octopus, cuttlefish and squid
Pisce spate e stelle de mare
Swordfish and starfish
0isce palumme e pisce martielle
Sea bream and hammerfish
Voccadoro e cecenielle
John Dory and picarels
Capochiuove e guarracine
Umbrella squid and gobies
Cannolicchie, ostreche e ancine
Mantis shrimp, oysters and anchovies
Vongole, cocciole e patelle
Clams, cockles and limpets
Pisce cane e grancetielle
Dogfish and small crabs
Marvizze, marmure e vavose
Wrasses, moray eels and mussels
Vope prene, vedove e spose
Pregnant foxes, widows and wives
Spinole, spuonole, sierpe e sarpe
Sea urchins, thornbacks, serpents and snakes
Scauze, nzuoccole e co le scarpe
Barefoot, in slippers and with shoes
Sconciglie, gammere e ragoste
Conch shells, lobsters and crabs
Vennero nfino co le poste
Even the posts came
Capitune, saure e anguille
Eels, lizards and snakes
Pisce gruosse e piccerille
Big fish and small fish
D'ogni ceto e nazione
Of every kind and nation
Tantille, tante, cchiu tante e tantone!
So many, so many, more and more!
Quanta botte, mamma mia!
How many blows, my goodness!
Che se devano, arrassosia!
That they gave each other, good heavens!
A centenare le barrate!
Hundreds of kicks!
A meliune le petrate!
Millions of stones thrown!
Muorze e pizzeche a beliune!
Bites and pinches by the billions!
A delluvio li secozzune!
A deluge of shakes!
Non ve dico che bivo fuoco
I won't tell you what a living fire
Se faceva per ogne luoco!
Was made everywhere!
Ttè, ttè, ttè, ccà pistulate!
Bang, bang, bang, here are the pistols!
Ttà, ttà, ttà, ccà scoppettate!
Boom, boom, boom, here are the rifles!
Ttù, ttù, ttù, ccà li pistune!
Poof, poof, poof, here are the pistons!
Bu, bu, bu, llà li cannune!
Boom, boom, boom, there are the cannons!
Ma de cantà so già stracquato
But I'm already tired of singing
E me manca mo lo sciato
And I'm out of breath
Sicché dateme licienzia
So give me your leave
Graziosa e bella audenzia
Gracious and beautiful audience
Nfi che sorchio na meza de seje
While I sip half a glass of wine
Co ssalute de luje e de leje
With greetings to you and yours
Ca se secca lo cannarone
As the big pipe dries
Sbacantànnose lo premmóne
Clearing its throat

Авторы: Dp, Murolo Roberto, Caliendo Eduardo

Roberto Murolo - Antologia della canzone partenopea napoletana
Antologia della canzone partenopea napoletana
дата релиза

1 Canto delle lavandaie del Vomero
2 Anema e core
3 Malafemmena
4 Luna rossa
5 Surriento D' 'E 'Nnammurate
6 Me so' 'mbriacato 'e sole
7 Serenatella a 'na cumpagna 'e scola
8 Scalinatella
9 Munasterio 'e Santa Chiara
10 'O Ciucciariello
11 Vint'anne
12 Tammurriata nera
13 Aggio perduto 'o suonno
14 Simmo e Napule paisa'
15 Ciccio Formaggio
16 Dimme addò staie
17 O marenariello
18 'Nu Quarto 'E Luna
19 Desiderio 'e sole
20 Lazzarella
21 Guaglione
22 Maruzzella
23 Chella Llà
24 Malatia
25 Na Voce 'Na Chitarra E ' Ppoco 'E Luna
26 Semplicità
27 Luna Caprese
28 Giuramento
29 Strada 'nfosa
30 La pansè
31 Sciummo
32 Cannetella
33 La Palummella
34 Santa Lucia
35 La Grotta Azzurra
36 Cicerenella
37 Sò Le Sorbe E Le Nespole Amare
38 Lo Guarracino
39 Michelemmà
40 Fenesta Vascia
41 La cammesella
42 'No Police
43 La Nuova Gelosia
44 Amice, Non Credite A Le Zitelle
45 Scetate
46 Era De Maggio
47 Marechiaro
48 Funiculì Funiculà
49 'E Spingule Frangese
50 Fenesta ca lucive
51 Canzone marenara
52 Te voglio bene assaje
53 Lu primm'ammore
54 Lo zoccolaro
55 Lo ciuccio de cola
56 Tu Si 'A Malincunia
57 Mare verde
58 Vieneme 'Nzuonno
59 Suonno a Marechiaro
60 Resta cu' mmè
61 Desiderio
62 O vascio
63 Vierno
64 Dove sta Zazà
65 Ninuccia
66 Furturella
67 Catarì
68 Malinconico autunno
69 Lusingame
70 Manname 'nu raggio 'e sole
71 Suspiranno 'na Canzone
72 Suspiranno Mon Amour
73 E Stelle 'E Napule
74 A Vucchiella
75 Accarezzame
76 Scapricciatiello
77 Suonno d' ammore
78 Te Sto Pensando
79 Te voglio bene (tantu tantu)
80 Canzone amirosa
81 O Munastero
82 Raziella
83 Si Tu, Nenna, M'avave N'aut'anno
84 Pagliaccio
85 Dimme 'na vota si
86 Comme dà lo molino
87 Villanella ch'all'acqua vai
88 Chi La Gagliarda Donne Vò 'Mprarare
89 'sto core mio
90 La Tarantella
91 La fata di Amalfi
92 Lo Tiramole
93 Marianni'
94 'A retirata
95 Oili', Oila'
96 Larà Larà Larà Volimmo Pazzià
97 Lo Riallo
98 Vova voca (Lo varcajuolo)
99 'na 'mmasciata
100 La Rosa
101 Consiglio A 'Na Figliola
102 Addioa a Napole
103 Lo Paparacianno
104 A Primavera
105 Lu Cardillo
106 Serenata a Margellina
107 Sarrà chi sa
108 Vurria
109 Serenatella Sciue Sciue

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