Rocco Hunt - Libertà - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rocco Hunt - Libertà

E vogl a libertà
And I want freedom
Terra ca me parl e libertà
Land that speaks to me of freedom
Mo so liber e sta dignità
Now I am free and this dignity
Nun s'ha po accatta nisciun (nisciun)
No one can buy it (no one)
Se viv megl senza sti pensier
You live better without these thoughts
Abbracct e criatur quand tuorn a ser
Hugs and kids when I come home at night
O munn è assai chiù bell rint a chist uocchie innocent
The world is much more beautiful in these innocent eyes
Levatm e caten e gir o munn currenn
Take off my chains and go around the world running
So cuntent comm si ess vint a bullett
I'm happy as if twenty bullets came
Senza n'euro rint a sacc e a riduzion e current
Without a euro in my pocket and the reduction of the current
Nun tenev manc o suonn e ave nu cunt corrent
I didn't even have the dream and I had a running account
A pizzerì mannav o cunt ma ij già stev currenn
At the pizzeria I sent the bill but I was already running
O professor me ricett: "Tu riest miezz a na via"
The teacher told me: "You're staying halfway"
O rispunniett: "Stai tranquill, vac in pension primm ij"
I answered: "Don't worry, I'll retire first"
Chella stronz me lasciai, ce rimaniett mal
That bitch left me, we were bad
E si te ric cu chi sta rir pe na settiman
And if you remember who she's been laughing with for a week
E vafammocc a chi parl senza sapè
And let's go to those who speak without knowing
Tu m'augur e ij a l'infern, ma si vac a l'infern scinn cu me
You wish me to hell, but if you go to hell, come down with me
Ij sto cercann e migliorà me stess
I'm trying to improve myself
Perciò nun crer a sti prumess e chi a 'ntrasatt me futtess
So don't believe these promises and those who fucked me in the past
A me m'accir st'incertezz, troppi vot pens assai
These uncertainties surround me, I think too much too many times
A cap viagg se fa film ca po nun so asciut mai
In my head I travel I make films that then never came out
Ma pe fortun sta man ca scorr ngopp a stu fogl
But luckily this hand that runs over this sheet
Me ra a forz ro mar ca sbatt ngopp a sti scogl
Gives me the strength of the sea that crashes on these rocks
Nu futur divers rest 'tt chell che vogl
A different future is what I want
Vogl ca figlm a trent'ann pens: "Paptm è n'omm"
I want my children at thirty to think: "My dad is a man"
So divers ra vuij ca v'attiggiat a tronist
I'm different from you who act like tronistas
Mill femmn attuorn ma arint si sul e trist
A thousand women around but inside you are alone and sad
E vogl a libertà
And I want freedom
Terra ca me parl e libertà
Land that speaks to me of freedom
Mo so liber e sta dignità
Now I am free and this dignity
Nun s'ha po accatta nisciun (nisciun)
No one can buy it (no one)
Se viv megl senza sti pensier
You live better without these thoughts
Abbracct e criatur quand tuorn a ser
Hugs and kids when I come home at night
O munn è assai chiù bell rint a chist uocchie innocent
The world is much more beautiful in these innocent eyes
Levatm e caten e gir o munn currenn
Take off my chains and go around the world running
Tu chest a chiamm libertà, in realtà simm prototip
You call this freedom, in reality we are prototypes
Schiav legalizzat, stereotip nguoll e popol
Legalized slaves, stereotypes on the necks of the people
E nuij ce stamm mentr sti nfam manovrn
And we stand here while these bastards maneuver
Stut a television nun vogl sentì chiu monolog
I don't want to hear any more monologues on this television
E dong fuoc a stu beat, nun me rong pe vint
So fire up this beat, I don't give a damn for twenty
Anna capì ca nuij nun simm pecr rint o recint
They will understand that we are not sheep in the enclosure
Fabio Musta campion e suon nta l'MPC
Fabio Musta champion of sound in the MPC
Vincimm a copp re campion tra lampion e panchin
We win over champions between street lamps and benches
E nun me serv a cullan, machin ross e denar
And I don't need the cradle, red cars and money
So crisciut orgoglios cu pochi cos essenzial
I grew up proud with a few essential things
Perciò nun vogl ostentà pe me è question e rispett
So I don't want to show off for me it's a matter of respect
Pur si c'agg fatt teng e cumpagn int a merd
Even though I've held my friends in the shit
Si fann a me president ress a fatic a 'tt quant
If they make me president, I'll keep working hard
Pe seconda cos o sai legalizzass sta piant
Because the second thing you know is to legalize this plant
Tien 'tt sti strunzat, RH mo è cult
Hold on to these fools, RH is now cult
Vol nsiem e gabbian pe me a libertà è tutt
Fly with the seagulls, for me freedom is everything
E vogl a libertà
And I want freedom
Terra ca me parl e libertà
Land that speaks to me of freedom
Mo so liber e sta dignità
Now I am free and this dignity
Nun s'ha po accatta nisciun (nisciun)
No one can buy it (no one)
Se viv megl senza sti pensier
You live better without these thoughts
Abbracct e criatur quand tuorn a ser
Hugs and kids when I come home at night
O munn è assai chiù bell rint a chist uocchie innocent
The world is much more beautiful in these innocent eyes
Levatm e caten e gir o munn currenn
Take off my chains and go around the world running
Nun val a pen e pensà, a quantu mal ce sta
It's not worth thinking about how much evil there is
Mo vogl sul sta buon, senz e preoccupazion ca sta vit te
Now I just want this good, without the worries that this life will give you
Ascimm assiem staser, ij so chiù doce si bev
Let's go up together tonight, I'm sweeter if you drink
Si bell pcchè si over rint a nu munn che è fint e a gent nun s'apparten
You are beautiful because you are over in a world that is fake and people do not belong
E vogl a libertà
And I want freedom
Terra ca me parl e libertà
Land that speaks to me of freedom
Mo so liber e sta dignità
Now I am free and this dignity
Nun s'ha po accatta nisciun (nisciun)
No one can buy it (no one)
Se viv megl senza sti pensier
You live better without these thoughts
Abbracct e criatur quand tuorn a ser
Hugs and kids when I come home at night
O munn è assai chiù bell rint a chist uocchie innocent
The world is much more beautiful in these innocent eyes
Levatm e caten e gir o munn currenn (currenn)
Take off my chains and go around the world running (running)

Авторы: Fabio Orza, Rocco Pagliarulo

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