Rocio Jurado - No volverán - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rocio Jurado - No volverán

No volverán
They Will Not Return
No volverán, no volverán, no volverán, no volverán.
They will not return, they will not return, they will not return, they will not return.
No volverán, no volverán, no volverán, no volverán.
They will not return, they will not return, they will not return, they will not return.
Los años que te di, no volverán,
The years that I gave you, they will not return,
Las horas y los días, pasarán,
The hours and the days, they will pass,
Mi voz y mi recuerdo te dirá
My voice and my memory will tell you
Que tu tiempo de amor no volverá.
That your time of love will not return.
Quizás lloras por en algún lugar,
Perhaps you cry for me somewhere,
Sentado en una playa junto al mar,
Sitting on a beach by the sea,
Llenándote de sol para olvidar
Filling yourself with sun to forget
Que tu tiempo del amor no volverá.
That your time of love will not return.
No, no te molestes en buscar
No, don't bother looking
Porque jamás vas a encontrar
Because you will never find
Todo el amor que yo te daba.
All the love I gave you.
No, no volverá, no volverá,
No, it will not return, it will not return,
lo rompiste sin pensar
You broke it without thinking
Que ibas a estar solo y sin nada.
That you would be alone and with nothing.
Y cuando ya te canse, hasta pecar,
And when you already tire me, even to sin,
Tus pasos serán torpes al andar,
Your steps will be clumsy as you walk,
Y que te duela todo al comprobar
And may it hurt you to realize
Que tu tiempo del amor no volverá.
That your time of love will not return.

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