Probar el vino-con mirarnos todo lo dijimos-y a la noche se le fue la mano...-Si supiera explicar todo lo que sentí-no quedó ni un lugar que no anduviera en ti.
Tasting the wine-we said it all with our gazes-and the night got out of hand...-If I could explain everything I felt-there wasn't a place I didn't explore on you.
Besos, ternura-qué derroche de amor-cuánta locura(bis)-Que no acabe esta noche-ni esta luna de abril-para entrar en el cielo-no es preciso morir.-Besos, ternura-qué derroche de amor-cuánta locura (bis)--derrochamos no importaba nada-las reservas de los manantiales-derrochamos no importaba nada-las reservas de los manantiales-parecíamos dos irracionales-que se iban a morir mañana-si supiera explicar todo lo que sentí-no quedó ni un lugar que no anduviera en ti. Besos, ternura-qué derroche de amor-cuánta locura-que no acabe esta noche-ni esta luna de abril-para entrar en el cielo-no es preciso morir-nuestra ruta de amor se convierte en ternura.
Kisses, tenderness-what extravagance of love-how much madness(twice)-May this night never end-nor this April moon-to enter heaven-one doesn't need to die.-Kisses, tenderness-what extravagance of love-how much madness (twice)--we wasted, it didn't matter-the reserves of the springs-we wasted, it didn't matter-the reserves of the springs-we seemed like two irrational beings-who were going to die tomorrow-if I could explain everything I felt-there wasn't a place I didn't explore on you. Kisses, tenderness-what extravagance of love-how much madness-may this night never end-nor this April moon-to enter heaven-one doesn't need to die-our love affair became tenderness.
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