I repeat again that there's no-there's nothing left
Que hablar-ya lo nuestro termino-lo que hubo entre
To talk about-what we had is over-what there was between
Los dos-no volvera a pasar jamas.-Te advierto que no insistas mas-que es un asunto que acabo-ya no habra repeticion-fue el ultimo compas-no se vuelve a tocar jamas.-Te condeno al amor-seriemente esta vez-te condeno al amor-desde ahora sin mi-te condeno a fingir-de un amor-sin sentir-con el hacer el amor-y siempre pensando en mi.-Te condeno al amor.-seriemente esta vez-te condeno al amor-desde ahora sin mi-te condeno a fingir-de un amor-sin allequir-con el hacer el amor-y siempre pensando en mi.-Si nuestro amor que siempre a sido lo mio-si nuestro amor que es tan perfecto en lo prohibido-oye-te condeno al amor-seriamente esta vez-y desde ahora sin mi.-Te condeno al amor-seriemente esta vez-te condeno al amor-desde ahora sin mi-te condeno a fingir-de un amor-sin sentir-con el hacer el amor-y siempre pensando en mi.-Te condeno al amor.-seriemente esta vez-te condeno al amor-desde ahora sin mi-te condeno a fingir-de un amor-sin allequir-con el hacer el amor-y siempre pensando en mi.-Si nuestro amor que siempre a sido lo mio-si nuestro amor que es tan perfecto en lo prohibido-oye-te condeno al amor-seriamente esta vez-y desde ahora sin mi.-Desde ahora y sin mi-te vuelvo a repetir que no-que ya no hay mas nada que hablar-que no-que no-que ya lo nuestro se acabo.
The two of us-will never happen again-I'm warning you not to insist anymore-it's a matter that's over-there will be no repetition-it was the last time-it will never be played again-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-I condemn you to love-from now on without me-I condemn you to pretend-a love-without feeling-while making love-and always thinking of me.-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-I condemn you to love-from now on without me-I condemn you to pretend-a love-without feeling anymore-while making love-and always thinking of me.-If our love that has always been mine-if our love that is so perfect in the forbidden-listen-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-and from now on without me.-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-I condemn you to love-from now on without me-I condemn you to pretend-a love-without feeling-while making love-and always thinking of me.-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-I condemn you to love-from now on without me-I condemn you to pretend-a love-without feeling anymore-while making love-and always thinking of me.-If our love that has always been mine-if our love that is so perfect in the forbidden-listen-I condemn you to love-seriously this time-and from now on without me.-From now on and without me-I repeat again that there's no-there's nothing left to talk about-no-no-what we had is over.
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