and if you're leaving, then go, don't ever come back.
Nunca, ya no, pues de mi nada tienes.
Never, no more, because you have nothing of me.
-Ahora estas que te vas y esta vez para
- Now you're leaving, and this time for good,
Siempre y nada extranare porque muy poco
and I won't miss anything because it was very little,
Fue, lo poco que me amaste. -Y voy a ser
the little you loved me.
- And I will be
Feliz al no tenerte cerca, y voy a conocer otras caricias nuevas porque tu me diste puras penas, vas a querer volver y no se va a poder porque te soy ajeno. -Y ahora estas que te vas y esta vez para siempre... -Y voy a ser feliz...(x3)
happy not having you around, and I will know other new caresses because you only gave me sorrows, you will want to come back and it won't be possible because I am a stranger to you.
- And now you're leaving, and this time for good...
- And I will be happy... (x3)
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