Encore un nouvo delire de paris a new dehli a la bollywood style bollywood style aller vien on taille
Another new craze from Paris to New Delhi in the Bollywood style Bollywood style going come on we're cutting it distalle indus enfile ton sari jen file mon cordou un petit safari ki par d ou de pari a men dou laisse tomber si je parler urdu miss massike est
+ belle ke vous ne vous tromper relour il ne me tromper cample cample des ke je me plai sur des pli tu cest ke tu me plai donc tu te la pete je cour apre toi dans un champ de tournesol je te ren fole distilled Indus put on your sari I file my cordou a little safari who comes from or from Paris to men you let it go if I speak Urdu Miss Massike is more beautiful than you you are not mistaken again he will not deceive me camp camp as soon as I like on a fold you know that you like me so you are showing off I run after you in a field of sunflowers I make you crazy
Si je te ren bi un tournesol tu peu te tromper c moi ta destiner car sa c est juste une valeur kif o destiner pour vs c du son pour mondre du son rime avec c du son frison je fai passer la balle devan linger c pa mariage a ranger sorti du studio toi et moi c danger
If I give you back a sunflower you can be wrong I am your destined one because it is just a value how to destiny for you it is sound for me sound rhymes with it is sound shiver I pass the ball in front of the lingerie it is not a wedding to put away out of the studio you and me it is danger
Toi et moi sur la meme melodi bollywood style aller vien on taille
You and me on the same melody Bollywood style going come on we're cutting it
Toi et moi sur la meme melodi bollywood style aller vien on taille
You and me on the same melody Bollywood style going come on we're cutting it
Jimi jimi aja aja sous une petale o arive par achale marajale et sa princesse ds les palais et les palace il fon danser la foule en dresse le coregrafe est sincroniser ya pa de butin t en cher les mains coler comme bouda partou c doree et les lustre en cristale bollywood style son tapi rouge et son crime cristalle devant la danse des cartisanes au bracelet 24 carats des joule au mascara jai cramer leurs frousse au mascarat elle veu briser notre menage mai elle peu pa changer parceke moi et toi c danger
Jimi jimi aja aja under a petal o arrives by achale marajale and his princess in the palaces and the palaces they make the crowd dance in dresses the choreographer is synchronized there is no loot you are looking for hands glued together like Buddha everywhere it is golden and the chandeliers in crystal Bollywood style their red carpet and their crime crystal in front of the dance of the courtesans with 24 carat bracelets of mascara I have burned their fears with mascara she wants to break our household but she can't change because you and me is danger
Les maréchale nos clip sur un elefant un tigre du Bangaale cher cales comme une machoir arrachages toi et moi c sacre on fai
+ dentre au taj mahal on met tout le monde aie aie t ds mon delire ca te plai croisiere ds le ocean inien ca vs plai comme ds toute fin il fai peur ds les balles bocoup denfant meur
The marshals our clip on an elephant a tiger from Bengal as wedges like a jaw tearing you and me it is sacred we do more than enter the Taj Mahal we put everyone aie aie you like my crazy cruise in the Indian Ocean you like it like in all the end he scares in the bullets a lot of children die
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