Rolando Laserie - Compasión (Remastered) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Rolando Laserie - Compasión (Remastered)

Compasión (Remastered)
Compassion (Remastered)
dime qué pasa si dos superhéroes se chocan,
Tell me, what happens if two superheroes collide,
Provocan ondas expansivas que luego rebotan,
Causing shockwaves that then rebound,
Se elevan las rocas por fuerzas remotas, la torre
Rocks rise by remote forces, the tower
Wayne se destroza, a la vez que luchamos contra
Wayne is destroyed, as we fight against
La derrota, no hay prota, caen gotas, azota la lluvia, la furia que brota,
Defeat, there's no protagonist, drops fall, rain lashes, fury erupts,
El hijo de krypton contra el murciélago de Gotham.
The son of Krypton against the bat of Gotham.
¿Quién lo diría? Es como la noche y el día, luchando siempre
Who would have thought? It's like night and day, always fighting
A sangre fría, todo se vuelve más gris, cuando asesinos se unen y van
In cold blood, everything turns grayer, when assassins unite and go
A por ti, no hay nadie que siga las normas y leyes de aquí,
After you, there's no one who follows the rules and laws here,
Fuck the police. Lucha contra mí, pero ten en cuenta que estamos en
Fuck the police. Fight me, but keep in mind that we are in
Gotham, no en Metrópolis.
Gotham, not Metropolis.
Te debilitas si la kriptonita te toca, ponte a tiritar,
You weaken if Kryptonite touches you, start shivering,
Mejor que te pongas tiritas, bombas dinamitan en mitad de Arkham, comienza a gritar,
Better put on some band-aids, bombs detonate in the middle of Arkham, start screaming,
No puede ganarme un tío que lleva calzones por fuera, un pardillo en la escuela,
A guy who wears his underwear on the outside can't beat me, a nerd at school,
Que lleva las gafas de pasta pa que nadie sepa quien es, qué no cuela!
Who wears those glasses so nobody knows who he is, that doesn't fly!
Saltan las alarmas en Arkham, mi estaca te va a atravesar,
Alarms go off in Arkham, my stake will pierce you,
Te pienso matar, aunque puedas volar con tu capa no puedes pillarme en plena oscuridad.
I'm going to kill you, even though you can fly with your cape, you can't catch me in the dark.
Its Overtime
It's Overtime
Its Overtime x2
It's Overtime x2
Los hombre que pierden la fe solo quieren ver
Men who lose faith just want to see
Como el planeta en el que estamos
How the planet we're on
No va a parar de arder
Won't stop burning
La noche oscura y el amanecer
The dark night and the dawn
Gente contempla como
People watch as
Luchan Clark Kent y Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne fight
Si quiero no puedes durarme un segundo, yo he combatido
If I want to, you can't last a second against me, I've fought
Bestias de otro mundo mientras jugabas con cada playmobil,
Beasts from another world while you played with every Playmobil,
Un aficionado, esto no es un hobby de gente forrada que tiene batmovil
An amateur, this isn't a hobby for rich people who have a Batmobile
Arkham se ríe de ti, por eso no fuiste capaz de atrapar al payaso
Arkham laughs at you, that's why you weren't able to catch the clown
Del Joker antes de la muerte de Robin,
The Joker before Robin's death,
Tampoco pudiste salvar a tus padres, nunca dejaste que gente te ladre,
You also couldn't save your parents, you never let people bark at you,
Te crees por encima del resto y no estás por encima de nadie, yo soy un Dios
You think you're above the rest and you're not above anyone, I am a God
Y los dioses no vienen del suelo, viven en el aire,
And gods don't come from the ground, they live in the air,
Con mi rayo láser me basta, no quieras retarme
With my laser beam it's enough, don't try to challenge me
Pero ya es hora de que alguien te frene cual tráiler.
But it's time for someone to stop you like a trailer.
Me hace vomitar que quiera formar parte de los héroes
It makes me vomit that he wants to be part of the heroes
Un tío que tiene una capa y no puede volar, menudo desastre,
A guy who has a cape and can't fly, what a disaster,
No quiero saber qué sería de ti si no fuera por Alfred,
I don't want to know what would become of you if it weren't for Alfred,
Por cada juguete que te hace, aunque no es suficiente,
For every toy he makes you, although it's not enough,
Yo juro matarte por cada farsante que muere, y que en Arkham renace
I swear to kill you for every phony who dies, and who is reborn in Arkham
No tienes poderes, estás encerrado entre cuatro paredes y aunque yo ya
You have no powers, you're locked up between four walls and although I already
que tu no me temes, debes saber que aunque quieras ganarme no puedes
Know that you don't fear me, you should know that even if you want to beat me, you can't
Its Over time
It's Over time
Its Over time x2
It's Over time x2
Los hombre que pierden la fe solo quieren ver
Men who lose faith just want to see
Como el planeta en el que estamos
How the planet we're on
No va a parar de arder
Won't stop burning
La noche oscura y el amanecer
The dark night and the dawn
Gente contempla como
People watch as
Luchan Clark Kent y Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne fight
Los hombre que pierden la fe solo quieren ver
Men who lose faith just want to see
Como el planeta en el que estamos
How the planet we're on
No va a parar de arder
Won't stop burning
La noche oscura y el amanecer
The dark night and the dawn
Gente contempla como
People watch as
Luchan Clark Kent y Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne fight

Авторы: Orlando Brito

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