Rosario Miraggio - Si 'anna ferni fernescene - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rosario Miraggio - Si 'anna ferni fernescene

Si 'anna ferni fernescene
When Love Ends
Comme fernesce n'ammore accussì
As love fades away
Pe quale porta è potuto trasì
Through which door did she come?
'Na guagliuncella mariola
A scheming girl
C'arrobba int' o core
Who steals your heart
Comm' appicciato e carezze ca e dato
Like stolen kisses and sweet caresses
Comm' azzecato e dispiette cu e vase
Like poisoned words and hurtful embraces
E mmo ma miso contro e te
And now you've turned against me
Comme dicive tu
As you said
Si 'anna fernì fernescene
When love ends, it ends
E cose cchiu' so belle
And the most beautiful things
E cchiu' se ponno perdere
Are the easiest to lose
Comme vulive tu
As you wished
Nun t'aggio fatto crescere
I didn't let you grow
Ma è vote 'a verità
But sometimes the truth
Nun se po raccuntà
Cannot be told
Comme dicive tu
As you said
E cchiu' cattive venceno
And the wicked win
Parlano male e me
They spread lies and slander
Ca mo te faccio chiagnere
That now I will make you cry
Nunn'e' cchiu' bella e te
She may be prettier than me
Pero' t'ha fatto perdere
But she made you lose your way
E mo sta' verità
And now this truth
Te po pure aiutà
Can help you too
A nun me giudicà
To not judge me
Comme se dice è fernuta accussì
As they say, it's over
Quando t'o dice chi 'a miso 'o veleno
When the one who poisoned your heart
Int'o core
Tells you so
Nunn'e' cusut' e carezze cu e vase
Your caresses and kisses didn't heal it
Nun ll 'e curato stammore malato
You didn't cure this sick love
E mmo sta chell' 'mpietto a mme
And now she's standing there, accusing me
Comme dicive tu
As you said
Si 'anna fernì fernescene
When love ends, it ends
E cose cchiu' so belle
And the most beautiful things
E cchiu' se ponno perdere
Are the easiest to lose
Comme vulive tu
As you wished
Nun t'aggio fatto crescere
I didn't let you grow
Ma è vote 'a verità
But sometimes the truth
Nun se po raccuntà
Cannot be told
Comme dicive tu
As you said
E cchiu' cattive venceno
And the wicked win
Parlano male e me
They spread lies and slander
Ca mo te faccio chiagnere
That now I will make you cry
Nunn'e' cchiu' bella e te
She may be prettier than me
Pero' t'ha fatto perdere
But she made you lose your way
E mo sta' verità
And now this truth
Te po pure aiutà
Can help you too
A nun me giudicà
To not judge me

Авторы: L. D'alessio

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