En el descansillo echo un pitillo pÁ reflexionarY tu con un soplillo me lo quieres apagar
On the landing, I take a smoke to reflect,And you with a blow, want to put it out.
En realidad te pillo ingredientesComo si fueras a tener que aclarar chanchullosY me diras ...capullo!, entre dientes
In reality, I catch you with ingredientsAs if you were going to have to clarify affairsAnd you will say ... jerk!, under your breath.
Contra lo que digan, contra lo que vayan a pensarContra lo que te obliga y contra... que te encontraras
Against what they say, against what they will think,Against what forces you and against... what you will find.
Como animal herido te defiendesEn el olvido queda ya tu mejor partidaY se te va la vida, entre dientes
Like a wounded animal, you defend yourself,Your best game is long forgotten,And your life goes away, under your breath.
Hoy me voy corriendo que he dejado habas cociendo y... Se me vayan a quemar! Eres estupendo, cuando estoy contigo cuanto aprendoTe lo juro de verdad!
Today I'm running away because I left some beans cooking and... They might burn! You're amazing, when I'm with you, how much I learn,I swear to you, really!
Como si supieses cuantas veces uno viene y vaNo es lo que tu quisieses, es la cruda realidad
As if you knew how many times one comes and goes,It's not what you wanted, it's the harsh reality.
Como animal herido...
Like a wounded animal...
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