Rosendo - Masculino singular - Directo Las Ventas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rosendo - Masculino singular - Directo Las Ventas

Masculino singular - Directo Las Ventas
Masculine Singular - Live Las Ventas
Picaporte, no es que yo me meta ni me importe
My dearest darling, don't take this personally, I don't want to pry
Pero si pierdes el norte
But if you stray too far off course,
No va a haber un dios que te soporte
There won't be a single soul left to support you.
Berberecho, te pasas el día sacando pecho
My precious love, you strut around like a peacock all day
Debes estar satisfecho
Inflating your chest like a helium balloon.
Un hombre debe ser hecho y derecho
A man should be made of integrity and honor.
Y que no te quieres enterar
But you, my stubborn darling, you just can't seem to get it right.
Pidiendo tu marchita y al tran tran
You trudge along, dragging your feet like a weary traveler,
Buscando la salida, porque si hay una salida por aquí tiene que estar
Seeking an escape, convinced that there must be a way out.
Y siempre vueltas a empezar
But you keep going round and round in circles,
No sabes si vienes o te vas
Unsure of whether you're coming or going.
Buscando una salida, porque si hay salida por aquí tiene que estar
You search for an exit, believing that it must be somewhere nearby,
Ve despacito que te vas a fatigar
Yet you wear yourself out with your endless journeys.
Amigo saturnino, masculino singular
My dear saturnine friend, you are the epitome of masculinity personified.
Inocente, el que mucho abarca mucho miente
My innocent one, those who cast a wide net often end up ensnared in lies.
Y hasta de cuerpo presente
Even in the face of death,
Luce presumido y reticente
You maintain your vain and pretentious facade.
Solomillo, ¿lo quieres de ida y vuelta o sencillo?
My tenderloin, do you prefer your steak cooked medium-rare or well-done?
Echa a correr, que te pillo
Run for your life, my dear, because I'm hot on your heels,
Sin descolocarme ni el flequillo
And I won't even muss my hair.
que no te quieres enterar
But you, my dear, you just can't seem to get it right.
Pidiendo tu marchita y al tran tran
You trudge along, dragging your feet like a weary traveler,
Buscando una salida, porque si hay una salida por aquí tiene estar
Seeking an escape, convinced that there must be a way out.
Y siempre vueltas a empezar y no sabes si vienes o te vas
But you keep going round and round in circles, unsure of whether you're coming or going.
Buscando la salida, porque si hay unas salida por aquí tiene estar
You search for an exit, believing that it must be somewhere nearby,
Ve despacito que te vas a fatigar
Yet you wear yourself out with your endless journeys.
Amigo saturnino, masculino singular
My dear saturnine friend, you are the epitome of masculinity personified.
Picaporte, no es que yo me meta ni me importe
My dearest darling, don't take this personally, I don't want to pry
Pero si pierdes el norte
But if you stray too far off course,
No va a haber un dios que te soporte
There won't be a single soul left to support you.
Picaporte, no es que yo me meta ni me importe
My dearest darling, don't take this personally, I don't want to pry
Pero si pierdes el norte
But if you stray too far off course,
No va a haber un dios que te soporte
There won't be a single soul left to support you.
Masculino singular, gracias
Masculine Singular, thank you

Авторы: Rosendo Mercado Ruiz

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