Pardo y mortecino no te quiero verNunca masCulpando de sofocos al destino que...
I don't want to see you brown and paleNever againYou blaming the destiny for your troubles, which...
¿DÓnde esta?
Where is it?
Sigo mi camino o me lo invento, ¿ves?...No me queda masPara cuando desatino viento frescoPorque no queda mas
I'll follow my path or invent it, you see...There's nothing else left for meWhen I lose my mind, a breath of fresh airBecause there's nothing else left
Vas a minutar el desafine y seQue lo harasCon eso se disloca el suma y sigue y noMe veras
You're going to time the discord and IKnow you willWith that the add and follow is dislocated and youWon't see me
Sigo mi camino o me lo inventoNo me queda masPara cuando desatino viento frescoPorque no queda mas
I'll follow my path or invent itThere's nothing else left for meWhen I lose my mind, a breath of fresh airBecause there's nothing else left
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