Rubberband - 在森林和原野 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rubberband - 在森林和原野

In the Forest and the Wilderness
In the Forest and the Wilderness
朝早八點 就在門口前 有隻獸類出現 狗輩長相 身卻扮成白領
At eight in the morning, right at the door, a beast appears, with the face of a dog but dressed as a white-collar worker.
當走近點 搭上電梯前 美女猛烈輸電 失去知覺 蜂尾便來毒你
As I get closer, before getting on the elevator, a beautiful woman sends a strong electric shock, I lose consciousness, and her bee stinger comes to poison me.
逃出一線天 滿以為安全 背劇痛像火焰 新上班阿邊個 射來毒箭
Escaping a narrow escape, I thought I was safe, but the pain on my back was like fire. The new colleague next to me shot a poisonous arrow.
離開爽快點 痛處在閃燃 也要竭力糾纏 掙脫不了 走不到生天
Leaving quickly, the pain is flashing, but I still have to struggle with all my strength. I can't break free and I can't reach heaven.
強中手 在相煎 落水狗 東奔西竄 這公式 早已萬年
The strong prey on each other, the underdog runs east and west. This formula has been around for thousands of years.
為著要偷生我學蟻走路 祈求躲得開擺脫那追捕
To survive, I learn to walk like an ant, praying to escape the pursuit.
大勢偏偏殺絕了出路 被踐碎頭顱
The situation just cuts off my way out, my head is crushed.
三點四點 我戒備森嚴 老細正在西面 狐狸也跟上 假借令牌令箭
Three or four o'clock, I'm on high alert, the boss is in the west, and the fox is following, using a fake token and arrow.
身披上氈 帶上羊的臉 眼看太難分辨 不要給那 奸詐餓狼蒙騙
Wearing a blanket and a sheep's face, it's too hard to tell. Don't be fooled by the cunning wolf.
逃出交戰圈 退到廚房前 兩架噴墨機前 等退休阿王伯 在磨利劍
Escaping the battle zone, retreating to the kitchen, in front of two inkjet printers, waiting for retired Uncle Wang to sharpen his sword.
離開爽快點 痛處在閃燃 也要竭力糾纏 掙脫不了 走不到生天
Leaving quickly, the pain is flashing, but I still have to struggle with all my strength. I can't break free and I can't reach heaven.
強中手 在相煎 落水狗 東奔西竄 這公式 早已萬年
The strong prey on each other, the underdog runs east and west. This formula has been around for thousands of years.
為著要偷生我學蟻走路 祈求躲得開擺脫那追捕
To survive, I learn to walk like an ant, praying to escape the pursuit.
大勢偏偏殺絕了出路 被踐碎頭顱
The situation just cuts off my way out, my head is crushed.
為著要偷生我學蟻走路 祈求躲得開擺脫那追捕
To survive, I learn to walk like an ant, praying to escape the pursuit.
大勢偏偏殺絕了出路 被踐碎
The situation just cuts off my way out, I'm crushed.
在萬劫之中我漸已得道 原來一早慣了四腳走路
In the midst of endless calamities, I have gradually attained enlightenment. It turns out that I have long been accustomed to walking on all fours.
沒了腰骨變賣了驕傲 換得到前途
Without a backbone and selling out my pride, I can get a future.

Авторы: ching

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