Rubén Blades & Willie Colón - Plastico - Nautz Vocal Ricanstruction - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rubén Blades & Willie Colón - Plastico - Nautz Vocal Ricanstruction

Plastico - Nautz Vocal Ricanstruction
Plastic - Nautz Vocal Ricanstruction
Ella era una chica plástica de esas que veo por ahí
She was a plastic girl of the ones I see around
De esas que cuando se agitan sudan Chanel Number Three
The ones who when they get upset sweat Chanel Number Three
Que sueñan casarse con un doctor
Who dream of marrying a doctor
Pues el puede mantenerlas mejor
Because he can support them better
No le hablan a nadie si no es su igual
They don't speak to anyone they regard as less
A menos que sea un fulano de tal
Unless it's a "so and so" of some kind
Son lindas delgadas de buen vestir
They're pretty, thin, dress well
De mirada esquiva y falso reir
With furtive glances and fake laughs
El era un muchacho plástico de esos que veo por ahi
He was a plastic boy of the ones I see around
Con la peinilla en la mano y cara de yo no fui
With a comb in his hand and a face of "it wasn't me."
De los que por tema en conversacion
Of the ones who, as a topic of conversation
Discuten que marca de carro es mejor
Argue about which car is better
De los que prefieren el no comer
Of the ones who would rather not eat
Por las apariencias que hay que tener
For the appearance they have to keep
Pa' andar elegantes y así poder una chica plástica recoger
To look elegant enough to pick up a plastic girl
Que fallo
What a failure
Era una pareja plástica de esas que veo por ahí
They were a plastic couple looking for those I see around
El pensando solo en dinero
Him thinking only of money
Ella en la moda en París
Her thinking only of fashion in Paris
Aparentando lo que no son
Pretending to be what they're not
Viviendo en un mundo de pura ilusión
Living in a world of fantasies
Diciendo a su hijo de cinco años
Telling their five-year-old son
No juegues con niños de color extraño
Not to play with strange colored children
Ahogados en deudas para mantener
Drowning in debt to maintain
Su estatus social en moda o coctel
Their social status through fashion and appearance
Que fallo
What a failure
Era una ciudad de plástico de esas que no quiero ver
They were a plastic city of the ones I don't want to see
De edificios cancerosos y un corazón de oropel
Of cancerous buildings and hearts of tinsel
Donde en ves de un sol amanece un dolar
Where instead of the sun a dollar rises
Donde nadie rie donde nadie añora
Where no one laughs, where no one dreams
Con gente de rostros de polister
With people made of plastic faces
Que escuchan sin oir y miran sin ver
Who listen without hearing and see without seeing
Gente que vendio por comodidad
People who, for comfort
Su razón de ser y su libertad
Have abandoned their purpose and freedom
Oye latino oye hermano oye amigo
Hey, Latino, hey, brother, hey, friend
Nunca vendas tu destino por el oro ni la comodidad
Never sell your destiny for gold or for comfort
Nunca descanses pues nos falta andar bastante
Never rest, because we still have a long way to go
Vamos todos adelante para juntos terminar
Let's all move forward together
Con la ignorancia que nos trae sugestionados
To end the ignorance that has entranced us
Con modelos importados que no son la solución
With imported models that are not the solution
No te dejes confundir
Don't let yourself be confused
Busca el fondo y su razón
Look for the depths and bottom
Recuerda se ven las caras
Remember, you see their faces
Pero nunca el corazón
But never the heart
No te dejes confundir
Don't let yourself be confused
Busca el fondo y su razón
Look for the depths and bottom
Recuerda se ven las caras
Remember, you see their faces
Pero nunca el corazon
But never the heart
Recuerda se ven las caras
Remember, you see their faces
Y jamás el corazón
And never the heart

Авторы: Ruben Blades

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