Rumpelstilz - Warehuus Blues - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rumpelstilz - Warehuus Blues

Warehuus Blues
Department Store Blues
Jede Morge lächlisch du mi dräckig aa
Every morning you smile at me dirty
Mit dyne Plexiglasouge u dym Reklame-Blabla
With your Plexiglas eyes and your advertising blabber
Du bisch so nätt zu mir, du bringsch mer dr Schmuus
You're so sweet to me, you bring me the flirt
U ohni dass i′s merke, tuesch mer die letschte Chole druus
And without my noticing, you suck the last coal out of me
Du chasch aus, du weisch aus, du hesch nume Guets im Sinn
You can pick, you know, you only have good intentions
Du seisch mer, was i söll choufe, bi dir bini gäng "in"
You tell me what to buy, you're always "in" with me
Uf dyni schöni Plastigwäut wird me schaluus
On your beautiful plastic world one becomes shallow
Dy Art eim fertig z mache, macht eim ganz konfus
Your way of finishing someone off makes one totally confused
Oh, du nimmsch ds Gäud vo allne, du behandlisch alli glych
Oh, you take the money from everyone, you treat everyone the same
Nume d Büezer machsch no ärmer u dy Chef machsch no meh rych
Only you make the laborers even poorer and the bosses even richer
Mängisch wünsch i im Stille, du flügisch bald i d Luft
Sometimes I wish in silence that you would soon fly into the air
Samt dyne Neonröhre u dym schyssige Parfümduft
With your neon tubes and your shitty perfume scent
Ah, i gseh di jede Tag, du gönnsch mer kei Rueh
Ah, I see you every day, you don't give me any peace
Du bisch gäng so gschäftig, am liebschte hani di zue
You're always so busy, I'd rather have you locked up
I weiss, du chunnsch gross use, du chunnsch druus
I know, you're going to come out big, you're going to make it out
U nume wäge dir - hani dr Warehuus Blues
And only because of you - I have the Department Store Blues

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