Rymz feat. Confus - Temps De Vie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rymz feat. Confus - Temps De Vie

Temps De Vie
Life Time
Puisque dormir raccourcit mon temps de vie
Since sleeping shortens my life time
J'travaille de nuit, j'fais mon bruit anti-wannabe
I work at night, I make my anti-wannabe noise
Puis quand j'écris, j'ai l'impression qu'j'perds du sang
Then when I write, I feel like I'm losing blood
J'suis impatient, j'ai l'impression qu'j'perds du temps
I'm impatient, I feel like I'm wasting time
À 20 ans, j'veux la vie d'un retraité
At the age of 20, I want the life of a pensioner
Certains voudraient ma vie mais risqueraient d'le regretter
Some would like my life but might regret it
J'sais j'm'en vais, j'fais un détour avant le cimetière
I know where I'm going, I'm taking a detour before the cemetery
J'ai décidé d't'étrangler, c'est toi qui m'dit d'me taire?
I decided to strangle you, are you the one telling me to shut up?
J'fais c'que j'ai à faire, mais chaque jour est trop court
I do what I have to do, but every day is too short
J'avance, mais les anges veillent sur moi comme des vautours
I'm moving forward, but the angels are watching over me like vultures
So j'continue, même si y'a des stops
So I keep going, even if there are stops
Faut qu'mon stock sorte partout c'qui a des spots
I need my stock to go out wherever it has spots
Faut qu'on perce, vu qui reste p'têtre pu grand time
We have to break through, considering that there can't be much time left
Ceux qui m'détestent restent mes plus grands fans
Those who hate me remain my biggest fans
Ça a commencé freestyle, quand on était saouls
It started freestyle, when we were drunk
Maintenant, on en ferait même si la Terre entière était sourde
Now, we would do it even if the whole Earth was deaf
When I wake up in the morning
When I wake up in the morning
It ain't nothing but smoking
It ain't nothing but smoking
On the way to the top from the beginning
On the way to the top from the beginning
I keep on rolling
I keep on rolling
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music
J'fais ça bien, cette chanson est peut-être ma dernière
I'm doing it right, this song may be my last
Tu crois qu'j'suis seul? Mes gars y sont juste derrière
Do you think I'm alone? My guys are right there in the back
La nuit j'dors peu man, j'fais d'l'overtime
At night I don't sleep much man, I do overtime
Avant d'tuer un beat de Jungle Music, j'me roule un dime
Before listening to a Jungle Music beat, I roll a dime
Et j'rime, j'rime tant qu'le temps m'le permet
And I rhyme, I rhyme as long as time allows me
Mais j'te jure j'cours après et j'peux pas en perdre man
But I swear I'm running after it and I can't lose man
Il vaut trop cher, ce temps est trop précieux
It's too expensive, this time is too precious
On m'dit 't'es trop pressé!', j'réponds 'faut qu't'ouvres les yeux'
They tell me 'you're in too much of a hurry!', I answer 'you have to open your eyes'
Y'a des pièges qui t'font perdre ton temps longtemps
There are traps that make you waste your time for a long time
Moi j'veux monter pour compter d'l'argent comptant
I want to go up to count cash
Faire c'qui faut, pour qu'mes soldats règnent
To do what is necessary, so that my soldiers reign
Se balader en hélico ou en Porsche Cayenne
Take a ride in a helicopter or in a Porsche Cayenne
Vu j'sais qu'à tout moment on peut partir
Since I know that at any time we can leave
J'suis à bosser pour être le prochain prince du quartier
I'm here working to be the next prince of the neighborhood
Les ennemis voudraient tellement bien paraître
The haters would like to look so good
Mais à 20 ans, comme le temps, rien n'm'arrête
But at the age of 20, like time, nothing stops me
When I wake up in the morning
When I wake up in the morning
It ain't nothing but smoking
It ain't nothing but smoking
On the way to the top from the beginning
On the way to the top from the beginning
I keep on rolling
I keep on rolling
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music
J'écris un truc quand le stress me gagne
I write something when the stress gets to me
Ensuite, j'exporte mon shit comme un chef de gang
Then I export my shit like a gang leader
Yeah, yeah, on prend la vie doggy-style
Yeah, yeah, we take life doggy-style
À la main, Jack sur glace, dans un verre de cristal
In hand, Jack on ice, in a crystal glass
J'veux ma vie colorée en dorée
I want my life colored in gold
L'honorer, la baiser, l'adorer
Honor her, fuck her, worship her
Fait qu'j'tourne mon CD en roulant lentement
Makes me turn my CD while driving slowly
Roule un 2 papiers, écoute ma musique sous enchantement
Roll a 2 papers, listen to my music under enchantment
Gagnant, j'serai médaillé avant d'm'étaler
Winner, I will be a medalist before spreading out
J'veux m'évader, quitter l'ciel couleur métallique
I want to escape, leave the sky metallic color
C'pas pour gagner du fric que j'viens charmer l'public
It's not to earn money that I come to charm the audience
C'est qu'mon style est unique, comme Stan Lee ...
It's because my style is unique, like Stan Lee...
J'profite du peu d'temps qu'j'aie
I'm taking advantage of the little time I have
Vu que j'sais qu'en moins d'deux, tout peut changer
Since I know that in less than two, everything can change
Chaque jour, j'apprends la vie, j'attends la paix
Every day I'm learning about life, I'm waiting for peace
J'cours pas après, j'prends ma paie, pas d'temps à perdre
I'm not running after, I'm taking my paycheck, no time to waste
When I wake up in the morning
When I wake up in the morning
It ain't nothing but smoking
It ain't nothing but smoking
On the way to the top from the beginning
On the way to the top from the beginning
I keep on rolling
I keep on rolling
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
Can these niggas move on the sound of my music?
We already know that it's drive and music
We already know that it's drive and music

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