Rytmus feat. Anita Soul - Chalan Vs. Muž - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus feat. Anita Soul - Chalan Vs. Muž

Chalan Vs. Muž
Boy Vs. Man
Čas letí a my raz nebudeme iba deti,
Time flies, and one day we won't just be kids anymore,
Ale verím, že svetlo stále bude
But I believe the light will still
Svietiť ako predtým.
Shine as it did before.
Keď budeme vyzretí a tváriť sa,
When we're mature and pretending,
Keď sme boli malí a svätí,
When we were small and holy,
Budeme nosiť obleky a
We'll be wearing suits and
Nenahrávať tracky.
Not recording tracks.
Keď chalan dospieva, tak
When a boy grows up, he
Všetko bere absolútne,
Takes everything absolutely,
Je taký prchký a tak radikálny,
He's so hot-tempered and radical,
časom múdrie.
Over time, he gets wiser.
Život ho naučí a párkrát ho aj
Life will teach him and even knock him down
O zem udre.
To the ground a few times.
Toľkokrát vystrelí a padne
He will shoot so many times and fall until
Kým to nebere kľudne.
He takes it easy.
Veci, za ktoré by bol umrel,
Things he would have died for,
Dnes nejsú súrne.
Are no longer urgent today.
Čoraz viac tolerantný na
More and more tolerant of
Situácie, čo boli čudné.
Situations that were strange.
Začnú byť nudné príbehy o
Stories about who, when, with whom and what kind of
Tom kto, kedy, s kým a jaké
Love will start to get boring.
Love affairs.
Nájde ten kľúč od domu a v
He will find the key to the house and in it
ňom osoby vľúdne.
Kind people.
V ňom ženu života, spolu to
In it, the woman of his life, let's
Give it a try.
Nechcem nič viac v dobrom aj
I don't want anything more, in good times and
Zlom, tak sa ľúbme.
Bad, so let's love each other.
Ochraňujme to dobré, to je
Let's protect the good, that's
Múdre a na to nezabudnem.
Wise and I won't forget that.
Som dospelý muž, nevzdám sa
I am a grown man, I will not give up the
Duše chlapca, teraz viem.
Soul of a boy, now I know.
Vyrástol tu strom
A tree has grown here
A my nejsme deti.
And we are no longer children.
Vyrástol aj on
He has grown too
A ďalej kráča s ňooou.
And continues to walk with heeeer.
Vyrástol tu strom
A tree has grown here
A my nejsme deti.
And we are no longer children.
Vyrástol aj on
He has grown too
A ďalej kráča s ňooou.
And continues to walk with heeeer.
Dakedy bol som vo všetkom striktný
I used to be strict in everything
Nemal pochopenie,
I had no understanding,
Vo všetkom bol som opačný a
I was the opposite in everything and
Vzdorovité myslenie.
Defiant thinking.
Dnes nedokážem niečo
Today I can't just
Zavrhnúť len pre potešenie.
Reject something for pleasure.
Naučiť potláčať svoje ego je
Learning to suppress your ego is
Veľké umenie.
A great art.
Pár rokov dozadu by som
A few years ago I would
Všetko riešil hrubou silou.
Solve everything with brute force.
Facka sem-tam bomba na bradu
A slap here and there, a bomb on the chin
Na prevýchovu našich synov.
To re-educate our sons.
Dnes sa ma nedotknú útoky
Today I am no longer affected by the attacks
Nevedomých hrdinov,
Of ignorant heroes,
Pretože viem a pochopil som,
Because I know and I have understood,
čo je príčinou ich činov.
What is the cause of their actions.
V minulosti som sa smial z
In the past I used to laugh at
Lesieb a gayov.
Lesbians and gays.
Fóbia z neznámeho zaslepí
A phobia of the unknown blinds
Srdce chlapa hnevom.
A man's heart with anger.
Dnes to vidím ináč a je mi jedno,
Today I see it differently and I don't care,
Kto je s tebou.
Who is with you.
Moja sloboda končí tam, kde
My freedom ends where
Začína sa jej a jeho.
Hers and his begins.
Ja som dospelý chlap, zrelý
I am a grown man, a mature
Muž a mám nadhľad.
Man and I have perspective.
Teda viem, čo chcem,
So now I know what I want,
Spoľahni sa na mňa.
You can rely on me.
Sedíš tu vedľa, ak vo vnútri
You're sitting here next to me, if inside
Nemáš ľad,
You don't have ice,
Skús ma brať takého, aký som
Try to take me as I am
Bol a som.
Was and am.
Nezraď ma.
Don't betray me.
Vyrástol tu strom
A tree has grown here
A my nejsme deti.
And we are no longer children.
Vyrástol aj on
He has grown too
A ďalej kráča s ňooou.
And continues to walk with heeeer.
Vyrástol tu strom
A tree has grown here
A my nejsme deti.
And we are no longer children.
Vyrástol aj on
He has grown too
A ďalej kráča s ňooou.
And continues to walk with heeeer.
Stal sa z neho muž dospelý,
He became a grown man,
Vyzretý čávo,
A mature guy,
Ktorý našiel návod
Who found a way
Cez všetko prejsť.
To get through everything.
Stal sa z neho muž dospelý,
He became a grown man,
Je to veľký kápo,
He is a big capo,
Ktorý zaplnil prázdno
Who filled the void
Na ceste k neeej.
On the way to heeeer.

Авторы: Patrik Vrbovsky

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