Rytmus feat. Kmeťoband - Bengoro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus feat. Kmeťoband - Bengoro

Jee jee, moje meno je Pakro Polgari chápeš brácho,
Yeah yeah, my name is Pakro Polgari, you know, bro,
Táto skladba ide do šetkých slovenských ulíc,
This track goes out to all the Slovak streets,
šetkých slovenských sídlisk, pre šetkých vagabundov, stokárov,
all the Slovak housing projects, for all the vagabonds, hustlers,
Zápalkárov, mojich bratov autičkárov,
Match sellers, my car thief brothers,
Pre mojich ludí kerí robá ulicový biznis,
For my people who do street business,
Pre všetkých mojich ludí kerí majú sen, dostať sa zdola hore,
For all my people who have a dream, to get from the bottom to the top,
Pre všetkých mojich ludí kerí majú radi nočný život, ku*vy, penáze,
For all my people who like nightlife, bitches, money,
Drahé autá, drahé hodziny,
Expensive cars, expensive watches,
Pre šetkých bílých a pre všetkých cigánov,
For all the whites and for all the gypsies,
A pre všetkých kerí majú radi funky, a tito vyje*ané kilá
And for everyone who likes funky, and these freakin kilos
Zedz mi cock
Suck my cock
Dneska idem do ulíc pi*e budú štekat
Today I'm going to the streets, bitches will bark
Vyhoním si ko*ot ešče večer sa s ku*vami budem je*at
I'll jerk off, later tonight I'll fuck with bitches
Dám si drahé oblečení a pi*oviny
I'll put on expensive clothes and booze
Bundu za 40 litrov a kradnuté hodziny
Jacket for 40 liters and stolen watch
Kuknem sa do zrkadla odkadel som taký král
I look in the mirror, where did I get to be such a king
Dám si ešče prscene nech každý že som tu pán
I put on some more bling so everyone knows I'm the boss here
Venku ma čakajú stokári tak držte pi*u
Hustlers are waiting for me outside so hold my beer
Máš se mnou problém kokoté rozjebem ti pi*u
You got a problem with me, asshole, I'll break your face
Kopačku na prsa a poskáčem ti po hlave
Kick to the chest and I'll jump on your head
To je to stylo keď si v kritickom stave
That's the style when you're in critical condition
Zavri si pi*u lebo dostaneš pokutu
Shut your mouth or you'll get a ticket
Je*em ci babku mŕtvu ku*vu fúzatú
I'm fucking that dead bitch, the bearded bitch
Pi*e nedočkavé v klube ma čakajú
Bitches are impatient, they're already waiting for me in the club
Tešia sa na moj ko*ot kedy ho omakajú
They're looking forward to my dick, when they can touch it
Vedá že som jediný kerý im zarobit
They know I'm the only one who can make them earn
Ku*vy ma milujú tak to byt
Bitches love me, that's how it should be
Zdravím východ západ zdravím Lamač
Greetings east west, greetings Lamač
Toto je pre ulicu pre slovenskú chrapač
This is for the street, for the Slovak scum
Baccardi, Hennessee, vodka, marihuana
Baccardi, Hennessy, vodka, marijuana
Dnes sa nafetovala s nami aj tvoja mama
Even your mom got high with us today
V noci bude pretrhnutá každá mladá blana
Every young hymen will be broken tonight
Vagabundské pi*e tu s nami do rána
Vagabond bitches are here with us until morning
Tu sme na Slovensku a ne žiadna Copacabana
We're here in Slovakia, not some Copacabana
Dneska žije každý vagabund a mindža vyje*aná
Today every vagabond lives and the freakin mind
Zavri pi*u a nevrieskaj
Shut your mouth and don't scream
Poď se mnu do rytmu tlieskaj
Clap to the rhythm with me
Ukáž prdel zahod hnev
Show your ass, throw away the anger
A ty brácho počúvaj moj spev
And you bro, listen to my song
Ja som ten poje*aný gangster (to spievam ja brácho)
I'm the freakin' gangster (I'm singing this bro)
Celý život robím zle a v tom som majster (jé tak to robím ja)
I've been doing wrong my whole life, and I'm a master at it (yeah yeah that's how I do it)
Vychutnávam mesto jazdím v mojom fáre (jé na pôžičku)
Enjoying the city, driving in my car (yeah yeah on loan)
Ktorá pi*a sa kúruje na mojom káre (jé jé)
Which bitch is healing on my car (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Rolexy, Lexusy a mŕtve kurvy (mŕtve kurvy)
Rolexes, Lexuses, and dead bitches (dead bitches)
Spolu roz*ebeme lóve tak to uži
We break the money together, so enjoy it
Buzerantov som je*al šetkých do huby (jé jé)
I fucked all the faggots to the grave (yeah yeah)
Debili majú rešpekt keď si mestom blúdim (keď si mestom blúdim)
The thugs have respect when I walk around the city (when I walk around the city)
Dneska žijem jak král (dneska dneska)
Today I live like a king (today today)
Penáze s vami rozjebávam (jé jé)
I break money with you (yeah yeah)
Nikdy nejsom tu sám
I'm never alone here
S vagabundami sa zabávam
I have fun with vagabonds
Chodte všeci do pi*e (jou matere)
Go to hell everybody (yo mama)
Keď mi fajčíš koko* to dobre robí mi
When you suck my dick, you do it well
Vóbec nevadí že máš sku*vené krámy (smrdlavé)
It doesn't matter at all that you have freakin' periods (stinky)
Šeci veďá že sme tu najväčší páni (najväčší páni)
Everyone knows we are the biggest bosses here (the biggest bosses)
Dneska žijem jak král (dneska dneska)
Today I live like a king (today today)
Penáze s vami rozje*ávam (rozje*ávam s vami lóve)
I break money with you (I break money with you)
Nikdy nejsom tu sám (nejsom tu sám)
I'm never alone here (I'm not alone here)
S vagabundami sa zabávam
I have fun with vagabonds
Zavri pi*u a nevrieskaj
Shut your mouth and don't scream
Poď se mnu do rytmu tlieskaj
Clap to the rhythm with me
Ukáž prdel zahod hnev
Show your ass, throw away the anger
A ty feťák počúvaj ten spev
And you junkie, listen to that song
Parno mu ti je*e mamu
Parno fucked your mother
Natrhol jej ritnú blanu
He tore her anal hymen
Bengoro s vami tu je
Bengoro is here with you
Namutroval som vaše muje
I fucked up your pussies

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