Rytmus feat. Slipo & Miky Mora - Moja štvrť - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus feat. Slipo & Miky Mora - Moja štvrť

Moja štvrť
My Hood
Miky Mora trio kere došlo z dola, druhá strana Bratislavy, Petržalka a Piešťany.
Miky Mora, a trio that came up from the bottom, the other side of Bratislava, Petržalka and Piešťany.
Pochádzam zo štvrt Adama Trajana decek je tu mrte každá ulica so mnou je spájaná krájaná, rokmi mojími krokmi tu sa nikdy nespije, ale žije sa od rána do tmy.
I come from the Adam Trajan quarter, there are a lot of kids here, every street is connected to me, cut, by my years, my steps, you never sleep here, but you live from morning to darkness.
Bezďaci na zástavkách smradu jak v opičárni decká im robia stále zle pokus ubrániť sa z ich strany márny.
Homeless people at bus stops stink like in a monkey house, kids are always doing bad things to them, the attempt to defend themselves on their part is futile.
Fotrovci na...
Dads on...
Ny každý deň v šenku pncharti zasoplení behajú do noci venku.
Every day in the pub, snorting drunks, running around outside at night.
Týpek na lavičke chce kúrovať svoju fenku, cigáni o peňaze zas dneska hrajú, zas bude bitka bratku tak sa u nás veci majú, dorezané líca, dolámané nohy.
The dude on the bench wants to cure his bitch, gypsies are playing for money again today, there will be a fight again, bro, that's how things are with us, cut cheeks, broken legs.
V mojej štvrti si drž p.
In my neighborhood, hold your p...
U ak neboxuješ a nemáš vlohy, nemať robotu a mať love to b chceli mnohí, zárobok sídliskový ten tu není vobec nový, privátne k.
If you don't box and don't have the skills, not having a job and having love is what many would like, the housing estate income is not new here at all, private f...
Y, hodziny, šmeliny, tvrdé drogy, Zlodeji bicykloví, feťáci patkiloví, skupujem lacno tovar popultový.
cking, hours, dirty stuff, hard drugs, bicycle thieves, junkie patkilovs, I buy cheap popular goods.
Psičkári poj.
Dog owners f...
I trávnik je od hoven tak neskutočne za.
cking the lawn is so incredibly f...
ý, moju štvrť vidím aj z tej druhej strany.
cked up from shit, I see my neighborhood from the other side too.
Pekné kočíky, ešte krajšie tie mladé mamy, chodníky za.
Beautiful strollers, the young mothers are even more beautiful, the sidewalks are f...
é autami, keď stojíš pod oknami kontrafakt je tu doma naplno vypeckovaný.
cked up with cars, when you stand under the windows, the counterfeit is at home here, fully pumped up.
Rytmus: REF:
Rytmus: CHORUS:
Rytmus, Slipo,
Rytmus, Slipo,
Miky Mora trio kere došlo z dola, druhá strana Bratislavy, Petržalka a Piešťany.
Miky Mora, a trio that came up from the bottom, the other side of Bratislava, Petržalka and Piešťany.
Adam Tajan prezentujem dlhé roky tuto žijem poznám každý betón, 3trk, moje srdce moja štvrť.
Adam Trajan, I've been representing for many years, I live here, I know every concrete, 3trk, my heart, my neighborhood.
Teraz v mojej štvrti moja výpoveď je o tom čo sa deje za každým tým blokom kde sa stalo veľa veci každým ďalším rokom a podľa toho rozpoznávam kto je mojim sokom, že také veci musíš vidieť svojím tretím okom tie reči kto je favoritom dať ďaleko bokom inak budeš v mojej štvrti úplnym idiotom tu z jednej strany vidím ľudí držia sa viery nevidia šedú stranu chceli by byť v cieli bez oje.
Now in my neighborhood, my testimony is about what happens behind every block where a lot has happened every year and that's how I recognize who my enemy is, that you have to see such things with your third eye, those words about who is the favorite, put them far aside, otherwise you will be a complete idiot in my neighborhood, here on one side I see people holding on to faith, they don't see the gray side, they would like to be at the finish line without any.
V nastraží v pokoji a mieri čakajú sled skvelý, ale každý kto raz žije spravidla prroblémom čwlí a osud ten mu verí pozor každý hajzl tvoje love spreneverí a ty ostaneš v prdeli, z ďalšej strany vidím u nás starousadlíkov sa postaví a za štvrť jak armáda bojovníkov, kde niekto svojou dykou, iní svojou pýchou likviduje postupne svojích protivníkov aj to je moja štvrť, kde nečakaná udalosť spraví plánom škrt, tak ži svoj život naplno kým ťa nestihne smrť.
In peace and quiet, they wait for a great sled, but everyone who lives once usually faces problems, and fate believes him, be careful, every asshole will embezzle your love, and you will be left in the shit, from the other side I see our old settlers standing up and fighting for the neighborhood like an army of warriors, where someone with their dagger, others with their pride, gradually liquidates their opponents, that's also my neighborhood, where an unexpected event will make a plan scratch, so live your life to the fullest before death catches you.
Miky Mora:
Miky Mora:
Prezentujem Petržalku, teda stoku.
I represent Petržalka, that is, the sewer.
Flek kde mladý j.
A place where young f...
U na šport, radšej kupujú si koku, flek kde hlavne k...
uck on sports, they prefer to buy coke, a place where mainly b...
Y fajčia rady kare na to stačí auto na leasing netreba ti pare honoráre.
tches like to smoke squares, you only need a car on lease for that, you don't need money, fees.
Prezentujem ulice plné sučich synov z ktorých každý chce mať love no nikto nie drinou zákerný pohlad pod ofinou každý druhý k.
I represent streets full of sons of bitches, each of whom wants to have love, but none of them work hard, every second c...
T čo je živený len p...
unt has an insidious look under his bangs, who is fed only by his mother's p...
Ou materinou.
Preto ľudia pozor v oblasti Petržalka všade hrozia maresy kde tu aj zápalka Johny jak víla Amálka, len basebalová pálka, teba nadžgajú do hrdzavej pixle od salka.
Therefore, people beware, in the Petržalka area, mares are everywhere, here and there also a match, Johny like fairy Amálka, only a baseball bat, they will stuff you into a rusty can of salka.
Budeš obeť neviem kolka jak naj...
You will be the victim, I don't know how many, like a girl raped by the most f...
Ym uchylákom znásilnená holka to telo prejde jak tatrovka, bo realita není sladká ako krówka a toto je v Petržalke tutovka.
cked up perverts, that body will pass like a truck, because reality is not as sweet as a krówka, and this is a sure thing in Petržalka.
Rytmus: REF:
Rytmus: CHORUS:
Rytmus, Slipo,
Rytmus, Slipo,
Miky Mora trio kere došlo z dola, druhá strana Bratislavy, Petržalka a Piešťany.
Miky Mora, a trio that came up from the bottom, the other side of Bratislava, Petržalka and Piešťany.
Adam Trajan prezentujem dlhé roky tuto žijem poznám každý betón, 3trk, moje srdce moja štvrť.
Adam Trajan, I've been representing for many years, I live here, I know every concrete, 3trk, my heart, my neighborhood.

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