Rytmus - Dobre Veci - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus - Dobre Veci

Dobre Veci
Good Things
Jea.Dj Wich, Maňa spis... drbnuty.jea jea jea.
Yeah. Dj Wich, write about me... crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Penáze, úspech, sláva, jou.
Money, success, fame, yo.
Život je krásny, život je pes,
Life is beautiful, life is a dog,
Raz si hore, potom zasa dole, chápeš?
One moment you're up, then you're down again, you get it?
Neska som sa dozvedel najhoršu novinu,
Today I learned the worst news,
Veci do papule povedané na rovinu,
Things said straight to my face,
Napustil som kurvu, ostala v tom,
I got a bitch pregnant, she's in trouble now,
Pamätám bol som u nej asi pred mesacom,
I remember I was with her about a month ago,
Chcela odomna aby som ju pokuroval,
She wanted me to fuck her,
Lákala ma na orál, ja som neodolal.
She tempted me with oral sex, I couldn't resist.
Od začatku bola na mna prešpekulovaná,
From the beginning, she was scheming against me,
Mala nachystaný plán suka vyjebaná,
She had a plan, the fucking bitch,
Dobre vedela, že chcem sex a nič iné,
She knew well that I wanted sex and nothing else,
Raz za čas spontánne návštevy nepovinné.
Occasional spontaneous visits, no strings attached.
Hrala to na harmóniu, ale ja mám v piči,
She played it for harmony, but I don't give a fuck,
Nemám čas na pičoviny, hlavu mi to ničí,
I don't have time for bullshit, it messes with my head,
Vedela, že mám úspech, že som pán,
She knew I was successful, that I was the man,
Dúfala, že sa ja kokot na ňu namotám.
She hoped that I, the idiot, would fall for her.
Kamarátkam navyprávala len kokotiny,
She told her friends nothing but bullshit,
že o ňu stojím, že ju chcem a že som jediný,
That I was into her, that I wanted her, and that I was the only one,
Je to obyčajná mrtka z vedlajšej dediny,
She's just a regular corpse from the next village,
Kerá je výnimočne len na úspešne ciciny.
Who's only good at sucking dick.
Podnikateľ, mafia, spevák či hokejista,
Businessman, mafia, singer, or hockey player,
Na títo typy ide cez mŕtvoly dozaista,
She goes after these types over dead bodies, for sure,
Ide tam, de je kešovica pre nu istá,
She goes where the cash is guaranteed for her,
Ona ťa zapáli, ojebe, obere dočista, jooou.
She'll set you on fire, fuck you, rob you clean, yooou.
Chceš stáť po mojom boku, ale ja to nedovolím,
You want to stand by my side, but I won't allow it,
čakáš len na to, ako sa dostať ku tromfom mojím,
You're just waiting to get your hands on my trump cards,
Penáze, úspech, sláva, si obyčajná kopa hnoja čo ma ojebáva,
Money, success, fame, you're just a pile of shit that's screwing me over,
Tak nehraj na mňa slzy,
So don't play me with tears,
Na také hyeny jak ty ja budem zlý a drzý,
To hyenas like you, I'll be mean and bold,
Môj úspech a moje lóóóve,
My success and my moolah,
Dam Ti kokot do huby a bude šecko dobré.
I'll give you my dick in your mouth and everything will be alright.
čo si si navarila, to si aj zješ,
You reap what you sow,
O decko sa nebudem starať a Ty to dobre vieš,
I won't take care of the child and you know it well,
Chcela si ma zapáliť, zámerne čo mi povieš, tak čo mi povieš?
You wanted to trap me, intentionally, what can you say, what can you say?
Ty lubna se mnou nevyjebeš, nevyjebeš.
You won't fuck with me, you won't.
Jediné, čo si chcela, dostať sa do mojho sveta,
All you wanted was to get into my world,
Nahovárala si si, že si se mnou úzko spätá,
You convinced yourself that you were closely connected to me,
Nechat sa oplodniť bola tvoja najvyššia méta,
Getting pregnant was your ultimate goal,
Berem tabletky bola Tvoja každodenná veta.
"I'm on the pill" was your daily phrase.
Keby som nemal nič, tak zatváraš predomnu dvere,
If I had nothing, you'd slam the door in my face,
Teraz som úspešný, oblizuješ mi moje pelé.
Now I'm successful, you're licking my dick.
Čo budes teraz robiť, to som teda zvedavý,
I'm curious what you'll do now,
Dobre si vedela, že mna to s Tebu nebaví.
You knew well that I wasn't into you.
Chcela si sa dostať vyššie len cez svoju piču,
You wanted to climb higher only through your pussy,
Teraz je konec, ostala si iba z holú ricu,
Now it's over, you're left with nothing but your bare ass,
Nepomôže Ti ani ľutovanie svojích činov,
Even regretting your actions won't help you,
Si mŕtve hovado, nechcené iba Tvojou vinou,
You're a dead animal, unwanted only by your own fault,
Krkavčia matka, čo kocí malých skurvysynov,
A crow mother who gives birth to little bastards,
Nechcem ťa vidieť, radšej sa budem jebat s inou.
I don't want to see you, I'd rather fuck someone else.
Tvoj život je o tom, ako sa chváliť cudzím perím,
Your life is about showing off with someone else's feathers,
Na každú pucvolu raz dojde, tomu pevne verím.
Every cunt gets what's coming to her, I firmly believe that.
Tvoja mamka je za tvoju piču nadšená,
Your mom is thrilled about your pussy,
Určite je hrdá na to, že si kurva skazená.
She's definitely proud that you're a spoiled whore.
Ženy keré idú po úspechu rýchlo konča,
Women who chase success quickly end up,
Nenechám sa nikdy využiť, lebo si piča, jooou.
I'll never let myself be used, because you're a bitch, yooou.
Chceš stáť po mojom boku, ale ja to nedovolím,
You want to stand by my side, but I won't allow it,
čakáš len na to, ako sa dostať ku tromfom mojím,
You're just waiting to get your hands on my trump cards,
Penáze, úspech, sláva, si obyčajná kopa hnoja čo ma ojebáva,
Money, success, fame, you're just a pile of shit that's screwing me over,
Tak nehraj na mňa slzy,
So don't play me with tears,
Na také hyeny jak ty ja budem zlý a drzý,
To hyenas like you, I'll be mean and bold,
Môj úspech a moje lóóóve, dam Ti kokot do huby a bude šecko dobré.
My success and my moolah, I'll give you my dick in your mouth and everything will be alright.

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