Rytmus - Moja Stvrt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus - Moja Stvrt

Moja Stvrt
My Hood
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Trio kere doslo z dola
A trio that came from the bottom
Druha strana bratislavy
The other side of Bratislava
Petržalka a piešťany
Petržalka and Piešťany
Pochadzam zo stvrte Adama Trajana
I come from the Adam Trajan quarter
Decek je tu mrte kazda ulica somnou je spajana
There are tons of kids here, every street is connected to me
Krajana rokmi mojimi krokmi
By my countrymen, by my years, by my steps
Tu sa nikdy nespi ale zije sa od rana do tmy
We never sleep here, we live from morning to night
Bezdaci na zastavkach smradu jak v opicarni
Homeless people at bus stops stink like in a drunk tank
Decka im robia stale zle pokus ubranit sa z ich strany marny
Kids always mess with them, attempts to defend themselves are futile
Fotrovci najebani kazdy den v senku
Dads drunk every day in the shade
Pankharti zasopleni behaju donoci venku
Snotty punks run around outside at night
Typek na lavicke chce kurovat tu svoju fenku
Dude on the bench wants to cure his bitch
Cigani o peniaze zas neska hraju
Gypsies are playing for money again today
Zas bude bitka bratku tak sa u nas veci maju
There's gonna be a fight again, bro, that's how things are with us
Dorezane lica dolamane nohy
Slashed faces, broken legs
V mojej stvrti si drz picu ak neboxujes a nemas vlohy
In my hood, keep your mouth shut if you don't box and don't have the skills
Nemat robotu a mat love to by chceli mnohi
Not having a job and having money, that's what many would like
Zarobok sidliskovy ten tu neni vobec novy
Housing estate earnings are not new here at all
Privatne kurvy, hodziny, smeliny, tvrde drogy
Private whores, hourly rates, amphetamines, hard drugs
Zlodeji bicyklovi, fetaci patkilovi
Bicycle thieves, five-kilo junkies
Skupujem lacno tovar podpultovy
I buy cheap goods under the counter
Psickari pojebani
Dog walkers are fucked up
Travnik je od hoven tak neskutocne zajebany
The lawn is so unbelievably covered in shit
Moju stvrt vidim aj z tej druhej strany
I see my hood from the other side too
Pekne kociky este krajsie su tie mlade mamy
Nice strollers, even nicer are those young moms
Chodniky zajebane autami
Sidewalks fucked up by cars
Ked stojis pod oknami
When you stand under the windows
Kontrafakt je tu doma naplno vypeckovany
Kontrafakt is at home here, fully pumped up
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Trio kere doslo z dola
A trio that came from the bottom
Druha strana Bratislavy
The other side of Bratislava
Petrzalka a Piestany
Petržalka and Piešťany
Adam Trajan prezentujem
Adam Trajan, I represent
Dlhe roky tuto zijem
I've lived here for many years
Poznam kazdy beton strk
I know every concrete, every gravel
Moje srdce moja stvrt
My heart, my hood
Teraz v mojej stvrti moja vypoved je o tom
Now in my hood, my testimony is about
Co sa deje za kazdym tym blokom
What happens behind every block
Kde stalo sa uz vela veci kazdym dalsim rokom
Where a lot of things have happened with each passing year
A podla toho rozpoznavam kto je mojim sokom
And by that I recognize who my enemy is
Ze take veci musis vidiet svojim tretim okom
That you have to see such things with your third eye
Tie reci kto je favoritom dat daleko bokom
Put those talks about who the favorite is far aside
Inak budes v mojej stvrti uplnym idiotom
Otherwise you'll be a complete idiot in my hood
Tu z jednej strany vidim ludi drzia sa viery
Here on one side I see people holding on to faith
Nevidia sedu stranu chceli by byt v cieli
They don't see the gray side, they want to be at the finish line
Bez ojebov a nastrazi v pokoji a mieri
Without assholes and guards, in peace and aim
Cakaju sled skvely
They expect a great outcome
Ale kazdy kto raz zije spravidla problemom celi,
But everyone who lives once usually faces problems
Osud ten mu veli
Fate commands him
Pozor kazdy hajzel tvoje love spreneveri
Beware, every bastard will embezzle your money
A ty ostanes v prdeli
And you'll be left in the shit
Z dalsej strany vidim u nas starousadlikov
From the other side I see the old-timers in our place
Sa postavi a za stvrt jak armada bojovnikov
Standing up for the hood like an army of warriors
Kde niekto svojou dykou, iny svojou pychou
Where someone with their dagger, another with their pride
Likviduje postupne svojich protivnikov
Gradually eliminates their opponents
Aj to je moja stvrt
That's my hood too
Kde necakana udalost spravi planom skrt
Where an unexpected event will cross out the plan
Tak zi svoj zivot naplno kym ta nestihne smrt
So live your life to the fullest before death catches up with you
(Miky Mora)
(Miky Mora)
Prezentujem Petrzalku teda stoku
I represent Petržalka, that is, the sewer
Flek kde mladi jebu na sport
A place where young people fuck sports
Radsej kupuju si koku
They prefer to buy coke
Flek kde hlavne kurvy fajcia rady kare
A place where especially whores like to smoke crack
Na to staci auto na leasing
All you need is a car on lease
Netreba ti bare, honorare
You don't need bars, fees
Prezentujem ulice plne sucich synov
I represent streets full of dry sons
Z ktorych kazdy jeden chce mat love
Of which each one wants to have money
No nikto nie drinou
But no one by hard work
Zakerny pohlad ma pod ofinou
A malicious look under my bangs
Kazdy druhy kokot co je ziveny len picou materinou
Every second asshole who is fed only by his mother's pussy
Preto ludia pozor v oblasti Petrzalka
Therefore, people beware in the Petržalka area
Vsade hrozia maresy a kde tu aj zapalka
Mares are lurking everywhere and a match here and there
Johhny jak vila amalka, len bejzbalova palka
Johnny like fairy Amalka, just a baseball bat
Teba nadzgaju do hrzdavej pixle od salka
They'll stuff you into a rusty pixel from a cup
Budes obet neviem kolka
You'll be the victim, I don't know how many
Jak najebanym uchylakom znasilnena holka
Like a girl raped by a drunk pervert
To telo prejde jak tatrovka
That body will pass like a Tatra truck
Bo realita neni sladka ako krowka
Because reality isn't as sweet as a krowka
A toto je v petrzalke tutovka
And this is a sure thing in Petržalka
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Rytmus Slipo Miky Mora
Trio kere doslo z dola
A trio that came from the bottom
Druha strana Bratislavy
The other side of Bratislava
Petrzalka a Piestany
Petržalka and Piešťany
Adam Trajan prezentujem
Adam Trajan, I represent
Dlhe roky tuto zijem
I've lived here for many years
Poznam kazdy beton
I know every concrete

Авторы: rytmus, dj wich

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