S.A.R.S. - Đuričko - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский S.A.R.S. - Đuričko

Mamine glumice, spremaju gumice
Mom's actresses are making candies.
One... podižu sisice
They're... lifting their boobs.
One... utežu guzice
They're... loading their asses.
One... pritežu haltere
They're... pulling dumbbells.
One... navlače suknjice
They're... pulling up their skirts.
I sve do jedne maltene izgledaju ko fufice!
And every single one of them looks like a slut!
Sa dugačkim jezikom, bezobrazne kučkice
With long tongues, shameless bitches
U stanju da te odjebu za delić sekundice
Able to fuck you in a split second
Jer sve su one spremne samo za jednok čoveka
Because they're all ready for only one man
I sve su uverene da on samo njih čeka
And they're all convinced that he's just waiting for them
Ajde sada lepo da raščistimo stvari
Come on now, let's get things straight
Iako rado bi vas voleli moji drugari
Although my friends would love to love you
Nemojte da mislite da je išta lično
Don't think it's anything personal
Sve biste htele da vas grebe Đuričko
You all want Jurko to scratch you.
Za Nikolu se spremaju
They're getting ready for Nicolas.
Nikolu snevaju
They're dreaming of Nicolas.
Nikolu vrebaju
They're stalking Nicolas.
Nikolu trebaju
They need Nicolas.
Nikolu hoće
They want Nicolas.
Nikolu žele
They desire Nicolas.
I sve bi samo htele s Nidžom da se vesele
And they all just want to have fun with Nidza.
I sve je tu jasno sad samo potvrda treba da
And everything is clear here, now we just need confirmation that
Provalimo svi koja je ekipa što vreba
We'll break everyone who is watching.
I kao što biva Muhamed će pre do brega
And as it happens, Mohammed will sooner reach the shore
A one su sve uverene da on njih čeka
And they're all convinced that he's waiting for them.
Ajde sada lepo da raščistimo stvari
Come on now, let's get things straight
Iako rado bi vas voleli moji drugari
Although my friends would love to love you
Nemojte da mislite da je išta lično
Don't think it's anything personal
Sve biste htele da vas grebe Đuričko. x
You all want Jurko to scratch you. x

Авторы: aleksandar luković, vladimir popović

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