My deep affection entwines, seeking you like a fading shadow. My drooping spirits sway, silent and still.
精彩沒結局 的戲 我們像不像電影 當看著我的人都散去 我才看見我自己
Like an unfinished play, we're like a movie. When the audience scatters, I finally see myself.
紫藤花 迎風心事日生夜長 越想逞強去開朗 笑聲就越啞
Wisteria flowers, your heart's secrets grow with each passing day. The more I try to smile, the more it falters.
紫藤花 把心栓在旋轉木馬 樂園已不再喧嘩 還念念不忘 舊情話
Wisteria flowers, your heart is bound to the carousel. The amusement park is quiet now, but the old love songs linger.
最曖昧的人 最難忘記 因為還留下夢境 最浪漫的人 最難清醒 不信誰無情
The most enigmatic person is the hardest to forget, for the dreams still linger. The most romantic person is the hardest to awaken, and who would believe there is no love?
假如能像風 和雲 彼此又疏離又親密 不問你不說 的秘密 快樂會不會延續
If we could be like the wind and clouds, distant yet intimate. Secrets unspoken, happiness might endure.
紫藤花 迎風心事日生夜長 越想逞強去開朗 笑聲就越啞
Wisteria flowers, your heart's secrets grow with each passing day. The more I try to smile, the more it falters.
紫藤花 把心栓在旋轉木馬 樂園已不再喧嘩 還念念不忘 舊情話
Wisteria flowers, your heart is bound to the carousel. The amusement park is quiet now, but the old love songs linger.
愛情最折磨的不是別離 而是感動的回憶 讓人很容易 站在原地 以為還回的去
The most agonizing part of love is not the separation, but the haunting memories. Too easily, I find myself standing still, thinking I can go back.
紫藤花 迎風心事日生夜長 越想逞強去開朗 笑聲就越啞
Wisteria flowers, your heart's secrets grow with each passing day. The more I try to smile, the more it falters.
紫藤花 把心栓在旋轉木馬 樂園已不再喧嘩 還念念不忘
Wisteria flowers, your heart is bound to the carousel. The amusement park is quiet now, but the old love songs linger.
紫藤花 迎風心事日生夜長 越想逞強去開朗 笑聲就越啞
Wisteria flowers, your heart's secrets grow with each passing day. The more I try to smile, the more it falters.
紫藤花 把心栓在旋轉木馬 樂園已不再喧嘩 還念念不忘 舊情話
Wisteria flowers, your heart is bound to the carousel. The amusement park is quiet now, but the old love songs linger.
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