Wann i monches mol so red mit dir, dann glaub i a Urgroßvoda steht vor mia, der wos olle Leit mit seine Gschichten quölt, nur von da guaden olten Zeit erzöhlt.
When I sometimes talk to you like this, I feel like a great-grandfather stands before me, who bores everyone with his stories, who only tells about the good old times.
Wal noch zwa Ochteln, oda drei, dann sagst mia jedes Mol, für di is eh scho olles vorbei.
Because after two or three pints, you always tell me, for you it's all over anyway.
Früha, da wors klass und wunderboa.
Back then, it was classy and wonderful.
Nua wird's holt nie mehr sein wia's früha woa.
But it will unfortunately never be the same again.
Wos kniast'n nieda vor da Vergangenheit?
Why do you kneel down in front of the past?
Sie kummt ned wieda dei guade olde Zeit.
Your good old times will never come back.
I hea imma es is olles zu spät.
I always hear that it is too late for everything.
Aus und vorbei das überhaupt nix mehr geht.
Over and out, nothing works at all anymore.
Es hot kan Sinn, dass ma no was probiert.
There is no point in trying anything.
Wonn ma scho vurher was, dass nix drauß wird.
Because we already know beforehand that nothing will come of it.
Wos kniast'n nieda vor da Vergangenheit.
Why do you kneel down in front of the past?
Sie kummt ned wieda dei guade olde Zeit.
Your good old times will never come back.
Du jammerst mei die Zeit vergeht holt so schnell.
You complain that time goes by so fast.
Drum haust di scheinbar jedn Abend ins Öl.
That's why you apparently get drunk every night.
Und das wirst traurig, dann wirst raviat.
And you get sad, and then you get angry.
Und du tuast da sölba gor so lad.
And you do yourself in.
Gib da an Tritt, kumm und moch wieda mit.
Give yourself a kick, come on and join in again.
Schau ned so stumpf, kumm außa aus deim Sumpf.
Don't look so dull, get out of your swamp.
Mein Gott, wos worsd du für einwüda Hund?
My God, what a pitiful dog you have become!
Jetzt bist bold reif fürn Kammerattschaftsbund.
Now you are almost ready for the veterans' association.
Wos kiastn nieda vur da Vergangenheit?
Why do you kneel down in front of the past?
Sie kummt ned wieda dei guade olde Zeit.
Your good old times will never come back.
Was kniastn nieda vur da Vergangenheit?
Why do you kneel down in front of the past?
Sie kummt ned wieda dei guade olde Zeit.
Your good old times will never come back.
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