SAINT feat. Louhi Fatt & Bäri - 4EVER - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SAINT feat. Louhi Fatt & Bäri - 4EVER

Tää on ikuista
This is forever
On tultu mutkikkait maita ja mantui,
We've come through twists and turns and turns,
Ja kaaduttu mut lupaan en mitään niist muista
And fallen, but I promise, I don't remember any of them
Ei välii niist muista
I don't care about them
Valittiin suunta
We chose a direction
Vaik maantiet ollukki kapeit ja kaitoi
Even though the roads were narrow and tight
En keksi edes sanoo yhtäkään miinusta
I can't even think of saying a single minus
Nyt kannan riipusta
Now I wear a pendant
Ei oteta vastaan sanaa ei
We don't accept a word, no
Saat ovella vastaan kranaattei
You'll get grenades at the door
Studiol tolea paskaan
Studio is in the toilet
4EVER niiku otettas tatskat
4EVER like we're getting tattoos
Vaik flaikuis ois meitsin nimi se on SAINT in this B
Even though my name is Flaikuis, it's SAINT in this B
Liekinheitinbiitit sanoo jotai meidän meiningist
The fire-throwing beats say something about our vibe
Me ja sit muut on tän leikin nimi
Us and then others is the name of this game
Juntit kattoo kannes mun feissii
Girls check out my face on the cover
Jontun videot enemmän Cannes ku MTV, get it?
Jontun videos more Cannes than MTV, get it?
Nykyää enemmän jo arkee ku daydream
Nowadays more like everyday than daydream
Heitterit hankeen mun feissilt,
Throwers in the mud off my face,
Sun laiffis ankeet mun SAINTti
Your life is bleak, my SAINT
Se ei riitä et teet vartin viikos
It's not enough that you do an hour a week
En ees tiiä monta artistii on
I don't even know how many artists there are
Jonottamas tuhoo koko paskaa
Waiting to ruin the whole thing
Pujottelen niinku alppihiihdos
I weave through like downhill skiing
Ohi teist, täs on todiste
Past you, here's proof
Noi kyttää ja jauhaa ne on poliisei
They watch and grind, they're cops
oon kovin teist, oot somiste
I'm the strongest of you, you're just decoration
Jos et pysty hyväksyy nii sori babe
If you can't accept that, sorry, babe
Ei puukkojunkkareit tai juppihippipunkkareit
No knife junkies or yuppie hippie punks
Mut vaihdan paikkaa vaikka purkkareil
But I'll swap places even for burgers
Ei Veyroneit, ei Bugattei, ei mutsin spagettii mun huppareis
No Veyrones, no Bugattis, no mom's spaghetti in my hoodies
Mut träkit kipein niiku oltas oltu safkaa Zubattei
But the tracks are painful like we've been eating Zubattei
Ikin oo hopannu träkille vitsil
Never jumped on a track with a joke
Tarviin snaret jotka potkasee ku shotti viskii
I need snares that kick like a shot of whiskey
Meis on eroi vissii
We're different, I guess
Ku äijät dikkaa pitää suuta kiinni
Because dudes like to keep their mouths shut
Dikkaan siit ku Caddys soittaa demoi ämmän kaa
I dig it when Caddys plays demos with his mom
Nii sil on turpa kiinni
So his mouth is shut
Träkit on ku aarteit kaivettuna meren alta
The tracks are like treasures dug up from the sea
Kytät ovella ku träkin clapit saundas Beretalta
Cops at the door when the track's claps sound like Beretta
Jengi herää kahelt himas kelaa ettet taaskaan mitään tee
People wake up in two, they're in a daze, realizing you're not doing anything again
painan wörkkii rintaan leimattuna S-A-I-N-T, bitch
I'm pushing work onto my chest, branded S-A-I-N-T, bitch
Täs on mun kuppi teet bitch
Here's my cup of tea, bitch
Ku mul on kolmetoista kertaa enemmän kupissa teet bitch
Cause I have thirteen times more tea in my cup, bitch
Oon yks älykkäimmist
I'm one of the smartest
Siks kai ämmil montut auki niiku änkyttäisin
That's why moms have their mouths open like I'm stuttering
Niiku Jehova meen ovelta ovelle kertoo ketä me olemme,
Like Jehovah, I go door to door telling who we are
SAINT on sisäl mee polvilles
SAINT is inside, get on your knees
Ku me tullaan, ne ei puhu teist muista
When we come, they don't talk about you
Ei välii mitä tänään käy ku tää on ikuista
I don't care what happens today because this is forever

Авторы: Hneri Valtteri Louhi, Leo Verneri Jarvinen, Pyry Honkala

SAINT feat. Louhi Fatt & Bäri - SAINT
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