Scandal - SO EASY - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scandal - SO EASY

どしゃ降り雨降りローテンション ストレス過 多のシチュエーション
Pouring rain and low spirits, a stressful situation
睡眠不足はつらいけど ギリギリ問題ない
Lack of sleep is tough, but I'll make it through
朝食にはおなじみの サラダとスープと目玉焼き
For breakfast, the usual salad, soup, and eggs
Sausage in my bread
Even if I'm five minutes late, that's just the way it is
「人生」なんて 言葉にすれば
If I call it "life"
重すぎるから ここらで笑っとこう
It's too heavy, so let's laugh it off for now
「旅人」なんて かっこつけても
If I pretend to be a "traveler"
近道ばっかり 今日も探すんでしょう
I'll just be looking for shortcuts again today
ただ自由でいたい 目的地は遠い
I just want to be free. My destination is far away
通勤快速通過待ち しんどい時ほど無理しがち
Waiting for the express train to pass. When I'm tired, I tend to overdo it
小さなことからコツコツと 真面目なフリが売り
From small things, little by little. I pretend to be serious
曲がり角を曲がるたび 何かいいことありそうで
Around every corner, I expect something good to happen
But I'm still waiting at three in the afternoon
I should still make it in time for the rerun
「青春」なんて 言葉にしても
If I call it "youth"
あやふやだから 流れにまかせて
It's too vague, so I'll just go with the flow
「恋人」なんて 呼びたくないな
I don't want to call you my "lover"
好きなら好きで それでいいんじゃない
If I love you, I love you. That's enough
ただ自由でいたい 肩書きなんていらない
I just want to be free. I don't need a title
24 hours is both long and short
If I hesitate, we'll only grow apart
If pushing doesn't work, pull or twist
「人生」なんて 言葉にすれば
If I call it "life"
重すぎるから ここらで笑っとこう
It's too heavy, so let's laugh it off for now
「旅人」なんて かっこつけても
If I pretend to be a "traveler"
近道ばっかり 今日も探すんでしょう
I'll just be looking for shortcuts again today
ただ自由でいたい ぜいたくは言わない
I just want to be free. I'm not asking for much
As long as I have sausage, I'm fine

Авторы: Mitsubaco, Scandal, scandal, mitsubaco

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