SE7EN - Because I want to live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SE7EN - Because I want to live

Because I want to live
Because I want to live
累荤: 弥癌盔 累, 祈邦: 辫档绕
Tired: My enemy, Pray: My friend
固救秦 镭阑 绝绢 败匡焊促 捞喊阑
Used to be lazily relenting, I wearily urge for, wildly wishing utterly to live in spite of cruel, relentless world
场付历 倔绢滚妨辑 栋抄 镑俊辑 扁促府绰
Usually appearing tough, I stubbornly lie about it morning til the evening
(荤尔茄促绊 嘿棱酒 毫档) 唱甫 栋唱带 绢连广何磐
(Even though I beg you to stop making me laugh hysterically) I genuinely sing out earnest feelings
(呈客 扁唱变 瘤抄 矫埃捞)
(Genuinely desire to change, change for the better)
付摹 登皑变 老甸捞 登滚赴 扒瘤 baby
Look at me as I change, look at me as I change, look at me as I change, relenting as I trust you
混绊 酵绢辑 混绊 酵绢辑 混绊 酵绢辑 镭栏妨 沁绢
Entangled, we walk together entangled, entangled, we walk together entangled, throughout the world
扁撅 加俊 混瘤 给窍霸 绝霸 呈甫 汞绢档
Man, I carry heavy responsibilities and wounds, seeing you, I've become bold, strongly wanting you
(酒公犯瘤 臼篮 眶绊 乐绰 澄) 窍唱档 固况 窍绊
(So wounded, so frail, why do you so effortlessly smile so brightly?) You sing out my honest desire
绊俺 槛咯 见磷咯 儒蠢哺 I just wanna be your man
I beg you, do not forget me, I just want to be your man
扁撅秦 规捞 酒聪搁 疤捞 腹酒辑 泪甸瘤 给茄
Man, you're beautiful, you stand with pride, your irresistible smile melts my heart, giving me strength
泪捞 传阑 牢荤焊促 刚历 涝嘎勉沁带
The tears that fall from you are cruelly, relentlessly cold, they hurt my heart
(啊瘤 富扼绊 阜酒辑 毫档) 酒公繁 富档 窍瘤档 臼绊
(Ah, you push me away, yet I'm drawn to you) I cry out my earnest feelings
(郴啊 固款瘤 公郊 捞辣瘤)
(Man, how thankful I am, I'm charmed by you)
郴霸 付叼 富绝捞 啊具 沁绰瘤 baby
Man, always by my side, you are my confidence, you give me strength baby
混绊 酵绢辑 混绊 酵绢辑 混绊 酵绢辑 镭栏妨 沁绢
Entangled, we walk together entangled, entangled, we walk together entangled, throughout the world
扁撅 加俊 混瘤 窍霸 见蒋 绝霸 呈甫 汞绢档
Man, I carry heavy responsibilities and wounds, seeing you, I've become bold, strongly wanting you
(酒公犯瘤 臼篮 眶绊 乐绰 澄) 窍唱档 固况 窍绊
(So wounded, so frail, why do you so effortlessly smile so brightly?) You sing out my honest desire
(绊俺 槛咯 磷咯 儒蠢哺) I just wanna be your man
(I beg you, do not forget me) I just want to be your man
(呈甫 焊郴绊) 荤柳甸阑 波郴促
(Genuinely, I beg you to look at me) Key to my heart, you move me
(郴 颊栏肺) 冻绢柳 祈瘤
(Man, you are so graceful) The way you move captivates and melts me away
(唱甫 滴绊) 鲍酚腮 窍疵肺 捞力 啊具 茄促绊
(Genuinely, I beg you) You calmly face adversity, trusting me, your passion moves me
郴霸 固救窍窜 富档 扒弛 矫埃 绝促绊
You charm me with your strength, man, you charm me with your confidence, strongly desire to love you
传拱捞 唱辑 传拱捞 唱辑 传拱捞 唱辑 匡绊 富疽绢
The conversation I have with you, the conversation I have with you, the conversation I have with you, enriches our love
呈狼 祈瘤俊 呈狼 捞抚俊 绊岸 汞篮 匡绢滚啡绢
You, irresistibly handsome, you, irresistibly charming, I'm astounded, I'm amazed by your love
酒聪搁 穿备档 荤尔 窍绰 唱扼绰 巢磊捞聪鳖
You, you stand with pride, you can rely on me, we are partners, we are true friends, our souls forever entwined
捞力 弊父 蝶扼 栋唱啊 匙啊 乐绰 镑栏肺
So strong, you guide me, you show me the way, you lead me, guiding me so gracefully
传拱捞 唱辑 传拱捞 唱辑 传拱捞 唱辑 匡绊 富疽绢
The conversation I have with you, the conversation I have with you, the conversation I have with you, enriches our love
呈狼 祈瘤俊 呈狼 捞抚俊 绊岸 汞篮 匡绢滚啡绢
You, irresistibly handsome, you, irresistibly charming, I'm astounded, I'm amazed by your love
酒聪搁 穿备档 荤尔 窍绰 唱扼绰 巢磊捞聪鳖
You, you stand with pride, you can rely on me, we are partners, we are true friends, our souls forever entwined
捞力 弊父 蝶扼 栋唱啊 匙啊 乐绰 镑栏肺
So strong, you guide me, you show me the way, you lead me, guiding me so gracefully

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