SEAMO - Chilling, Chilling - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEAMO - Chilling, Chilling

Chilling, Chilling
Chilling, Chilling
今日は車検で私のお車 家のカタパルトデッキでお留守番
Baby, today I had to take my car in for its inspection, so it's having a staycation on our rooftop deck.
たまに養え英気を ずっと踏んどけ ブレーキを
I do some maintenance on it, and I really step on it, the brake.
代わり飛び出す 今日のびっくりどっきりメカスタンバイとっくに
Instead, I'm jumping out in my amazing new contraption that's been ready for takeoff for a while now.
出来てるぜ 是非ここで 俺のニュー・マシンをお披露目
It's ready, my dear, for me to show off my new machine.
フェラーリ? ポルシェ? それともロールス? 欧州スポーツカーが好物
Ferrari? Porsche? Or maybe a Rolls? European sports cars are my preference.
動物的勘を働かせ そっから決めたのはね こいつだ
I followed my instincts, and this is what I decided on.
なんじゃこりゃ あんたこりゃ 自転車やないか
What is this? This is a bicycle!
思わぬ乗り物ママチャリ スターな男
An unexpected vehicle, a simple bike, a star on the road.
必死にもり漕ぎ Let′s go!
I paddle with all my might. Let's go!
どこに行くのも君とね まるで二人きりデートで
Wherever I go, I take you with me, as if we were on a date.
坂道登る 僕は立ち漕ぐ 汗でにじむ自転車天国
I climb slopes, standing up on the pedals, sweating in cycling heaven.
チリンチリンチン チリンチリンチン...
Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding...
気分はTour de France
I feel like I'm in the Tour de France.
坂でブレーキ効かない止まらない Wao!
On a slope, the brakes don't work! I can't stop! Woah!
体を張ってエコを実践 実際乗ってみると新鮮
I'm putting my body on the line for the environment, and it's actually pretty refreshing.
カーブ大げさに手信号 たまに停めて 風景の写真も撮って
I exaggerate my hand signals on turns, sometimes I stop to take pictures of the scenery.
この都会サバイヴする自分は トム・ソーヤな気分だ
Surviving in this city makes me feel like Tom Sawyer.
Cycling Cycling ヤッホー ヤッホー
Cycling, cycling, yahoo, yahoo!
やっと辿り着いた 俺Winner 嬉しいな
I finally made it, my love, I'm a winner! I'm so happy!
町から町へとすっ飛ばし 応えてくれたよケッタマシン
I've been flying from town to town, and my bike has come through for me.
よくやった ご褒美に油 注入してやるぜ アブラカタブラ
Well done, my darling. As a reward, I'm going to give you some oil, abracadabra!
頑なに拒否してた人力車 素晴らしい新事実
I used to be stubborn and refuse to ride a bike, but now I see the light.
どこに行くのも君とね まるで二人きりデートで
Wherever I go, I take you with me, as if we were on a date.
坂道登る 僕は立ち漕ぐ 汗でにじむ自転車天国
I climb slopes, standing up on the pedals, sweating in cycling heaven.
チリンチリンチン チリンチリンチン...
Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding...
気分はTour de France
I feel like I'm in the Tour de France.
坂でブレーキ効かない止まらない Wao!
On a slope, the brakes don't work! I can't stop! Woah!
どこへ行く? ちょっと近くのコンビニ
Where are we going? Just to the nearby convenience store.
どこへ行く? ちょっと彼女のお家に
Where are we going? Just to your place.
どこへ行く? ちょっとたまには他県に
Where are we going? Just to another prefecture.
どこへ行く? ちょっとそこまでモンゴル
Where are we going? Just all the way to Mongolia.
(Going to Mongolia is a bit far-fetched!)
どこに行くのも君とね まるで二人きりデートで
Wherever I go, I take you with me, as if we were on a date.
坂道登る 僕は立ち漕ぐ 汗でにじむ自転車天国
I climb slopes, standing up on the pedals, sweating in cycling heaven.
チリンチリンチン チリンチリンチン...
Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding...
気分はTour de France
I feel like I'm in the Tour de France.
坂でブレーキ効かない止まらない Wao!
On a slope, the brakes don't work! I can't stop! Woah!

Авторы: naoki takada, dj 大自然, Naoki Takada, dj 大自然

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