SEAMO - ワン☆ダフル - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEAMO - ワン☆ダフル

Was I a good boy to you?
Did you enjoy coming to our home?
君のハウスも 君の思い出も
Your home and your memories are still here, unchanged.
今も変わらない ここにあるよ
Still here, with me.
今でも良く覚えてる 君が家にやって来たあの日
I still remember the day you first came to our home.
君の到着待ちきれないで ソワソワしてた 僕のfamily
My family was so excited to meet you, they couldn't wait for you to arrive.
君を偶然見つけた カゴの中で 他の子より何故か大きくて
I found you by chance, in a crate, larger than the other puppies.
次に来た時 まだ残っていて 無邪気な笑顔 かわいそうで
The next time I came, you were still there, with your innocent smile, so sweet.
それがきっかけ 僕の家に来る事になった 本当不思議
That's how you came to live with me, it was truly a miracle.
きっかけなんてそんなもんだよ 今思えば あれが運命だよ
But miracles happen all the time, and looking back, I see it was meant to be.
それから君の人生 約10年
For ten years, I shared my life with you,
何にも変えられない かけがえのない 温かい時間を共に過ごす
Irreplaceable, precious, wonderful time.
君と過ごした日々はWonderful 教えてくれた 僕に何度も
The time I spent with you was wonderful, you showed me so much.
We could communicate without words.
喜びくれた君にありがとう そこで僕を守ってくれよ
Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for protecting me.
Let's go for a run again, sometime.
何かと増えた家族の会話 君を通じ繋がっていった
Our family grew closer because of you, we connected through you.
なかなかご飯食べなかったり 朝から鳴いて叩き起こされたり
You didn't always eat your food, you woke me up in the morning with your barking.
所構わず粗相したり お気に入りの靴 咬んで破られたり
You made messes, you chewed my favorite shoes.
言葉がしゃべれない分 必死に僕らにアピール
You couldn't speak, but you tried so hard to communicate with us.
あの時は 声を荒らげて怒ってしまい本当ごめんよ
I'm so sorry for the times I yelled at you, when I got angry.
君のいたずら 愛の証 ただ遊んで欲しかっただけなのに
Your mischief was a sign of affection, you just wanted to play.
でも僕が落ち込んでいたら 僕の顔を舐めて慰めた
But when I was down, you would lick my face and comfort me.
その笑顔で 無償の愛で 僕らは何度も君に救われた
Your smile, your unconditional love, saved me many times.
君と過ごした日々はWonderful 教えてくれた 僕に何度も
The time I spent with you was wonderful, you showed me so much.
We could communicate without words.
喜びくれた君にありがとう そこで僕を守ってくれよ
Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for protecting me.
Let's go for a run again, sometime.
そして元気に走ってた君は やがて足を一つ失った
And then, you, who were always so energetic, lost a leg.
その小さな体で 僕らの分まで 災い背負って
With your tiny body, you carried our burdens, you faced adversity.
それでも必死に 走ろうとする君の勇気に
And still, you tried to run, your courage inspired me.
僕も頑張らなきゃと 小さな君に励まされたよ ありがとう
I learned from you, little one, thank you.
そして年を老いて 歩く事がだんだん困難になって
As you grew older, walking became more difficult.
それでも僕が帰る度に フラフラ玄関まで迎えに
But every time I came home, you would hobble to the door to greet me.
やがて君が 旅立つその日まで 1日も欠かさず
Until the day you left us, you never missed a day,
君は僕らに愛をくれた 思いやる事教えてくれた
You gave us love, you taught us compassion.
君と過ごした日々はWonderful 教えてくれた 僕に何度も
The time I spent with you was wonderful, you showed me so much.
We could communicate without words.
喜びくれた君にありがとう そこで僕を守ってくれよ
Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for protecting me.
Let's go for a run again, sometime.
君と過ごした日々はWonderful 教えてくれた 僕に何度も
The time I spent with you was wonderful, you showed me so much.
We could communicate without words.
喜びくれた君にありがとう そこで僕を守ってくれよ
Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for protecting me.
Let's go for a run again, sometime.

Авторы: Naoki Takada, Shintaro"growth"izutsu, naoki takada, shintaro“growth”izutsu

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