SEEDA feat. ILL-BOSSTINO - MIC STORY feat ILL BOSSTINO - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEEDA feat. ILL-BOSSTINO - MIC STORY feat ILL BOSSTINO

公衆電話親元にコール 母ちゃん元気?調子はどう
Payphone call to my folks, Mom, you doing okay? How's it going?
街角の情景に心温まる 深さはポケットジャリ銭の底
A corner scene warms my heart, the depth of loose change in my pocket.
三丁目の交差点立ちんぼ dealer減ったメンツ
Corner of 3rd Street, hustlers have dwindled,
馴染みのビル跡形もねぇ 残ったのは青い服着たポウだけ
The familiar building is gone, only the blue-clad cops remain.
アジア アフリカ 中東 ロシア 眠らない街で稼ぎ明日見ては
Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, in bustling cities we hustle and dream of tomorrow,
アメリカ ヨーロッパ 裏側の南米 それぞれの環境から見る夢
America, Europe, the flip side of South America, dreams seen through the lens of our respective environments.
生きることに意味見いだせねぇ 何度も言うぜこの街は金
Can't find meaning in life, I'll say it again, money is what runs this town,
サバイバルルールに隔てはねぇ どこの誰でもきっとある可能性
Survival rules apply to everyone, no matter who or where you are, we all have potential.
Better Days 少しでもいいから
Better Days, if only for a little while,
Better Days 明日は晴れかな
Better Days, will tomorrow be bright?
Better Days 我慢してみるかな
Better Days, I'll give it a shot,
Better Days 明日があるなら
Better Days, if there's a tomorrow.
街中がhustlin' all day 気づけば一人待ちぼうけ
The city's hustlin' all day, and before I know it, I'm standing alone, waiting.
何がしたいか思い出せ 書けるだけMic Story
I can't remember what I wanted to do, all I can write is my Mic Story.
このバースは俺が預かった ラフでタフなマスターの出番さ ブラスター着火
This verse is mine, rough and tough, the master blaster ignites,
はるか北の番外地から送るアンサー 誘ってくれたことに感謝
From the remote north, I send my response, thanks for the invitation.
愛想笑わない 腹の底から笑う ブラフは使わねぇのがBOSSってやつさ
I don't smile for show, I laugh from the gut, BOSS doesn't bluff.
世の中甘くねぇ 晴れは長くねぇ 屈辱や敗北100%キャッシュバック
Life's not easy, sunshine doesn't last, 100% cash back on humiliation and defeat.
かつていた成り上がりはもういない 思った通りだ 裏通りから
The up-and-comers are gone, just as I thought, from the back streets.
イライラしたストレスの残り香 きっかけを待つ明日の勝利者
The lingering scent of stress, waiting for the chance to triumph tomorrow.
この俺を救い出してくれ その仕事俺にくれ あれから何年
Save me, give me that job, how many years has it been?
チャンスは必然 実現 現実見つめ ここで宿命ねじ伏せて生きてるぜ
Chance is destiny, reality realized, here I stand, defying fate.
Better Days 少しでもいいから
Better Days, if only for a little while,
Better Days 明日は晴れかな
Better Days, will tomorrow be bright?
Better Days我慢してみるかな
Better Days, I'll give it a shot,
Main Tain 明日があるから
Main Tain, because there's a tomorrow.
真実を語る言葉は重い ゲームセット後に吠えても遅い
The truth is heavy, it's too late to bark after the game is set.
Yo Boy 移せよ行動に 生きる糧Mic Story
Yo Boy, turn your words into action, Mic Story is your sustenance.
汚れたスケール俺のテーブル トバシが鳴るパケと出でる
Dirty scale, my table, the sound of deals, the sound of packs.
路上に出る職質ジェイル でも稼げる叩き上がれる
On the streets, cops, jail, but I can hustle, I can rise up.
だが上がりっぱなしじゃ生きてはいけねぇ 逃げれねぇ未練ねぇって思い始めて
But you can't keep rising, you can't escape, you start to wonder if you really want to,
足と金を洗ってシーン最前線 One shotに賭ける人生ゲーム
Clean your hands and your money, and take your place at the front of the scene, bet your life on one shot.
心配ねぇ胸張って 今までより今の俺が一番好きだぜ
Don't worry, head held high, I like myself now more than ever.
胸を駆けるBeatに夢 rap好きの少年何年石の上
Beats thumping in my chest, a rap-loving boy, how many years on the grind?
心配するな日は出ずる Bible Dice Mic三位一体のディサイブル
Don't worry, the day will come, Bible Dice Mic, the holy trinity of decibels,
平成の退屈を掻い潜る 愛する家族や仲間のために Do I Do
In 平成's boredom, we'll dig deep, for our loved ones, Do I Do.
光を知らない石ころは 光を知って己を知る
A stone that's never seen the light, sees the light and finds itself.
恐れを知らないあのどん底から 俺は家康さながらに生き残った
From that rock bottom, I, like Ieyasu, survived.
足蹴にのけ者ヘイター 全てはありがとうここまでこ来れたから
Haters who kicked me down, thank you all, I've come this far because of you.
準備万端さずっと待っていたんだ 楽しませてもらうぜこっから
I'm ready, I've been waiting for this, let the fun begin.
あんな事こんな事 生きてりゃ歌いたい歌あるだろ
Through thick and thin, there are songs I want to sing, right?
今日も心に書き留めたフリースタイル 生かすも殺すもスキルが介す
Today, I've written down my thoughts, freestyle, my skills can bring them to life or kill them.
規格サイズのトロフィーはいらねぇ 勝利 七転び 表裏一体 Get Groly
I don't need a standard-sized trophy, victory, seven falls, two sides of the same coin, Get Groly.
伝えていくぜ列島に streetのイデオロギーMic Story
We'll spread it across the islands, the street ideology of Mic Story.

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