SEID MEMIĆ VAJTA - Priča - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEID MEMIĆ VAJTA - Priča

Jednom su se vidjeli, jedan tren,
We once met, for a moment,
Pogledi im zastali i to je sve,
Our eyes locked and that was it,
A ljubav se je rodila kao stih,
And love was born like a verse,
I nikad nije prestala izmedju njih.
And it never stopped between us.
Dosao je jedan dan i rekao njoj,
One day you came and said to her,
Hocu da te vodim u svoj dom,
I want to take you to my home,
Idi pitaj majku da li mozes poc,
Go and ask your mother if you can go,
Ako kaze da si mlada
If she says you're young
Cekacu i opet doc.
I'll wait and come again.
Majko da li mogu poc tu je dragi moj,
Mother, can I go, my love is here,
Htjela bih da idem s njim u njegov dom,
I'd like to go with him to his home,
Prsten mi je donio i nesto jos,
He brought me a ring and something else,
Jednu sarenu maramu i jedan bros.
A colorful scarf and a brooch.
Nemoj kceri mlada si bar godinu jos,
Don't go, my daughter, you're still young for at least a year,
Vrato prsten i maramu i mali bros,
Return the ring and the scarf and the small brooch,
Ako te voli cekace dragi tvoj,
If he loves you, your beloved will wait,
Onda nek te vodi u svoj dom.
Then let him take you to his home.
Prodje jedna godina dosao je on,
A year passed and he came,
Dosao da vodi dragu domu svom,
He came to take his love to his home,
Al sad otac neda i strogo kaze njoj,
But now her father refused and said to her sternly,
Mlada si da ides a mlad je i dragi tvoj.
You're too young to go, and your love is too young.
Ona nije cekala posla je dragom svom,
She didn't wait, she sent a message to her beloved,
Rekla mu je vodi me u svoj dom,
She told him, take me to your home,
Sarenom je maramom suze brisala,
She wiped away her tears with the colorful scarf,
Ljubila je prsten i na majku mislila.
She kissed the ring and thought of her mother.
I tako su zivjeli i zivot je bio fin,
And so they lived and life was beautiful,
Ljubav jos veca postala i rodio se sin,
Love grew even greater and a son was born,
Al jos jedna zelja u srcu ostala,
But one more wish remained in her heart,
Sina da joj vide njen otac i majka.
For her father and mother to see her son.
On je sina uzeo i posao na put,
He took his son and set off on a journey,
Pjesme mu je pjevao dok je plakao i bio ljut,
He sang songs to him while he was crying, and when he was angry,
A kad su ga vidjeli otac i njena mati,
And when his father and mother saw him,
On je sina uzeo brzo kuci da se vrati.
He quickly took his son and returned home.
Pred kucom mnogo ljudi, zene u crnini sve,
In front of the house there were many people, women dressed in black,
Sa suzom su mu rekli da nema vise nje,
With tears they told him that she was gone,
Da teska bolest dosla je u njegov dom,
That a grave illness had come to his home,
Ljubav mu je uzela, na putu je bio on.
That love had taken her while he was on the road.
Uzeo je sviralu i zasvirao na nju,
He took up his flute and began to play it,
Pjesme o svojoj ljubavi koje nema vise tu,
Songs about his love who was no longer there,
A ljubav se je rodila kao stih,
And love was born like a verse,
I nikad nije prestala izmedju njih.
And it never stopped between us.

Авторы: Ivan Dropulic

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