SEIKIMA II - 20世紀狂詩曲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEIKIMA II - 20世紀狂詩曲

20th Century Rhapsody
ブラウン管じゃ大量虐殺 リモコンひとつで簡単黙殺
Mass murder on the TV, just a click of the remote, it's easy to shut up
共通してるのは絶望感 全然違うのは臨場感
What they have in common is a sense of despair, where they differ is only in how it affects you
大胆不敵に宣戦布告で 散々叩かれ改心改心
Boldly and defiantly declaring war, then being roundly criticized, repenting, repenting
安全保障の代金払って 冷戦終結聖戦復活
Paying the price for security, the Cold War's over, holy war's back
肝心要の最新科学は 信心深さに満身創痍で
The latest science, so important and essential, is badly wounded by religious fervor
先進諸国の大臣様達 後方支援すぐ要求!!
Ministers of advanced nations, we need your support right away!!
OH PLEASE! くたばってくれ 何か未来に光はあるか?
OH PLEASE! Drop dead, is there any light in the future?
20TH CENTURY 最高に泣かせる
The 20th Century, deeply moving
SHOW TIME! SHOW TIME! Third-rate play
20TH CENTURY 「宇宙時代」はムダ骨だ!!
The 20th Century, the "space age" was a waste of time!!
世界中を結ぶ電脳ネットワーク 貧富以外の境界線越え
A global computer network, crossing borders other than wealth and poverty
自由という名をペンキで塗った 匿名希望の新興暴力
Freedom, the name painted with graffiti, a new kind of violence that seeks anonymity
携帯電話も砂漠でイタ電 横暴テレビは土足で会見
Mobile phones are useless in the desert, arrogant TV holds press conferences in their shoes
ベテランバンドも解散宣言 激動の100年間!!
Veteran bands are announcing their breakups, a tumultuous century!!
NO WAY! 絶望的だ 使う奴らが進化してない
NO WAY! It's hopeless, if it's the users that aren't evolving
20TH CENTURY 最高に笑える
The 20th Century, deeply amusing
SHOW TIME! SHOW TIME! Slapstick comedy
20TH CENTURY 電子時代のホモサピエンス
The 20th Century, the Homo sapiens of the electronic age
曲りくねったまっすぐな道 時速1cmの猛スピードで
A winding straight path, at a breakneck speed of one centimeter per hour
JETエンジンのうば車が 水無し川へと落ち込んでった
A jet-powered hearse has crashed into a dry riverbed
びっくりしたなポックリ死んだ 正義の味方の悪漢様が
I was shocked, he died suddenly, the hero's villain
まっ黒い白馬にまたがれて 前へ前へとバックしたんだ
Riding on a pitch-black white horse, he backed up forward
本当のことは闇の中 言いたいことはヤブの中
The truth is in the dark, what I want to say is in the undergrowth
こりゃハルマゲドン そりゃハルマゲドン
This is Armageddon, that is Armageddon
Did the great king fall from the sky?
摩可磐若波羅 密多磐若波羅
Maka hannya haramita hannya haramita
ラヂウムは生まれ カルシウムはそがれ
Radium is born, calcium is scraped away
こりゃ目につくぞ こりゃ気がつくぞ
This is noticeable, this is noticeable
こりゃ精がつく精がつく ヤセガエル
This is refreshing, refreshing, skinny frog
難問! 尋問! ブヒャヒャヒャばかもん
Difficult question! Interrogation! Buhahahaha, idiot
負けるなデーモン ここにあり
Don't lose, Demon, we're here
What did we learn over 100 years?
What did we lose over a century?
20TH CENTURY 最高に泣かせる
The 20th Century, deeply moving
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Third-rate play
20TH CENTURY 「宇宙時代」はムダ骨だ!!
The 20th Century, the "space age" was a waste of time!!
20TH CENTURY 最高に笑える
The 20th Century, deeply amusing
LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU! どたばたコメディ
LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU! Slapstick comedy
20TH CENTURY 電子時代のホモサピエンス 喝!!
The 20th Century, the Homo sapiens of the electronic age, cheers!!

Авторы: sgt.ルーク篁iii世

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