SEIKIMA II - KIMIGAYOは千代に八千代の物語 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEIKIMA II - KIMIGAYOは千代に八千代の物語

KIMIGAYO is a tale of a thousand and eight thousand ages
何も知らぬ女は 色に狂って
Women who know nothing are crazy about color
猿芝居の宴に よいしれるだけ
They just get drunk at the banquet of monkey plays
女神が今微笑を浮かべ 誘ってる
The goddess is smiling now and inviting me
俺の時代が Dream comes true
My time is coming, Dream comes true
大地も 宝も この宮殿も
Land, treasure, and this palace
全ては ころがる 手の平に
Everything is rolling in my palm
わがきみが代は 千代に八千代に
May your reign last for a thousand and eight thousand ages
うまく事故に見せかけ 消してしまうさ
I will kill you in a way that looks like an accident
つまり話並べて 信じさせるさ
I will make a story and make you believe
忠実なる仮面の下 ほくそえむ
Grinning beneath a mask of loyalty
A poisonous blade KILLED THE KING
命も 権力も 愛する者も
Life, power, and loved ones
一度に 奪った 死神は
The死神who took it all in one go
企みどおり 千代に八千代に
As planned, for a thousand and eight thousand ages
金メッキのカモフラージュ はがしてみれば
Take off the gold-plated camouflage
腹黒い殺しやが 冠かざし
The murderer is wearing a black heart and a crown
魔王が今玉座の上 足を組む
The魔王is now on the throne, crossing his legs
KILLED THE KING with an innocent look
DO-LAYもBAI-TAも 大臣どもも
DO-LAY, BAI-TA, and the ministers
全ては その身に ひざまずく
All kneel before him
闇の帝よ 千代に八千代に
Emperor of Darkness, for a thousand and eight thousand ages

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