SES - Co Sorriso Ante a Malicia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SES - Co Sorriso Ante a Malicia

Co Sorriso Ante a Malicia
With a Smile Towards Malice
A onde fuxir? A onde escapar?
Where can I flee? Where can I escape?
Onde encontrar un resto de cordura?
Where can I find a shred of sanity?
E a quen podemos apelar?
And who can we appeal to?
Para esixir o final da tortura?
To demand the end of torture?
Cando é o momento de cargar
When is the moment to charge
E disparar?
And shoot?
Decisión miña ou súa?
My decision or yours?
E hai outra forma de operar
And is there another way to operate
Compatíbel coa cultura?
Compatible with culture?
Como aferrarse á opinión
How to cling to the opinion
De que a palabra é o misil pertinente?
That the word is the relevant missile?
Como facer que a ilusión
How to make the illusion
Teña cabida no presente?
Have a place in the present?
E de que nos serve a indelección
And what use is indecency to us
En corpos que non teñen sangue quente?
In bodies that have no warm blood?
E cando foi que a outra versión
And when was it that the other version
Abandonou o continente?
Abandoned the continent?
Como podemos descolar
How can we take off
As bocas que precintou a desidia?
The mouths that apathy has sealed?
Pódese aínda recuar,
Can we still retreat,
Ou hai que crer no imperio da impericia?
Or must we believe in the empire of ineptitude?
E a acción en filme de Van Danme,
And the action in Van Damme's film,
A voz fuxiu de viaxe con Alicia
The voice escaped on a trip with Alice
E hai que avivar o ben moral
And moral good must be rekindled
Co entusiasmo da milicia
With the enthusiasm of the militia
Co entusiasmo da milicia
With the enthusiasm of the militia
E co entusiasmo da milicia
And with the enthusiasm of the militia
E co poder da diversión,
And with the power of fun,
Coa fondura da caricia.
With the depth of a caress.
E co abrazo da elección,
And with the embrace of choice,
Coa esixencia de ledicia,
With the demand for joy,
Co orgullo da paixón,
With the pride of passion,
Co sorriso ante a malicia.
With a smile towards malice.
E por quen pedir? Por quen loitar?
And for whom to ask? For whom to fight?
Cal é, de certo, un alma imprescindíbel?
Who, for sure, is an indispensable soul?
Con quen debemos negociar,
With whom should we negotiate,
A importancia do rendíbel?
The importance of the profitable?
Onde podemos ir buscar?
Where can we go to look for?
O denodo da mente redutíbel?
The courage of the shrinking mind?
E segue a existir o talismán
And does the talisman still exist
Que nos une ao invisíbel?
That unites us with the invisible?
Como sabemos se a función
How do we know if function
Substituíu a vida para sempre?
Has replaced life forever?
Se hai na seguinte xeración
If there is in the next generation
Un pesticida que borre o evidente?
A pesticide that erases the obvious?
Xa sen marxe de actuación,
Now with no margin of action,
Sen fruito para a semente.
No fruit for the seed.
Ante a inminencia da detonación
In the face of the imminence of the detonation
Hai que deixar ver os dentes,
We must show our teeth,
Hai que deixar ver os dentes
We must show our teeth
E hai que deixar ver os dentes
And we must show our teeth
E opoñerse á extinción,
And oppose extinction,
Bombear o sangue quente
Pump the hot blood
E encomendarse á submisión,
And entrust ourselves to submission,
Desafiar o decadente
Challenge the decadent
Co amparo do bastión,
With the protection of the bastion,
Coa ousadía da valente
With the daring of the brave
Co entusiasmo da milicia
With the enthusiasm of the militia
E co entusiasmo da milicia
And with the enthusiasm of the militia
E co poder da diversión,
And with the power of fun,
Coa fondura da caricia.
With the depth of a caress.
E co abrazo da elección,
And with the embrace of choice,
Coa esixencia de ledicia,
With the demand for joy,
Co orgullo da paixón,
With the pride of passion,
Co cagarse na inmundicia
With shitting on filth
Co sorriso ante a malicia
With a smile towards malice
Co sorriso ante a malicia
With a smile towards malice
Co sorriso ante a malicia
With a smile towards malice
Co sorriso ante a malicia,
With a smile towards malice,
Co sorriso ante a malicia...
With a smile towards malice...

Авторы: Maria Xose Silvar Fernández

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