SES - Eu Son Dun Pobo Sinxelo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SES - Eu Son Dun Pobo Sinxelo

Eu Son Dun Pobo Sinxelo
I Am from a Simple People
Eu son dun pobo pequeno, pequeno, como unha flora
I am from a people small, small, like a flower
Con dous milenos de soños, de vergoña e de valor
With two thousand years of dreams, of shame and of courage
Eu son dun pobo sinxelo, como a palabra irmán
I am from a people simple, like the word brother
Como o amor que che entrego, como o amor que me dan
Like the love that I give you, like the love that you give me
Eu son dun pobo nacido entre o fusil e o cantar
I am from a people born between the rifle and the song
Que de tanto ter sofrido, xa ten moito que ensinar
Who from suffering so much, now have much to teach
E irmá son de tantos pobos que quixeron separar
And I am sister to so many peoples they have tried to separate
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano
Eu son dun pobo poeta, dos que os seus versos gravou
I am from a people of poets, whose verses are engraved
Nos valados e nas portas, con sangue, rabia e amor
On the walls and the doors, with blood, rage and love
Eu son dun pobo recente, pero antiga a súa voz
I am from a people young, but their voice is old
Analfabeto vixente, un século en rebelión
Illiterate but aware, a century in rebellion
Eu son dun pobo nacido entre o fusil e o cantar
I am from a people born between the rifle and the song
Que de tanto ter sofrido, xa ten moito que ensinar
Who from suffering so much, now have much to teach
E irmá son de tantos pobos que quixeron separar
And I am sister to so many peoples they have tried to separate
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano
Irmá son de tantos pobos que quixeron separar
I am sister to so many peoples they have tried to separate
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano
Porque saben que anque pobres, xuntos somos un volcán
Because they know that although poor, together we are a volcano

Авторы: Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy, Xose Lois Rivas Cruz

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