SF9 - Shine Together - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SF9 - Shine Together

Shine Together
Shine Together
수많은 별들 중에
Amongst the myriad of stars,
잃은 하나 지켜주고 싶었어
A lost star, I wanted to watch over you.
Day and night 곁에서
Day and night, beside me,
맴돌던 사랑의 빛이 고마운데
Your loving light, how grateful I am.
우린 운명처럼 만나 (시작됐던 마음)
We met, as if by fate, (my heart's journey began)
아직 전하지 못한 말들이 너무 많아서
There's so much I've yet to say,
네게 약속할게 언제까지라도 너의
I promise you, I'll always hold your
손잡아 줄게 너의 자리까지
Hand, until we reach your place.
지금껏 나를 빛내기 위한 사랑이 감사해
Until now, your love has been my guiding light. Thank you.
손잡아 줄게 이젠 차례야
I'll hold your hand, now it's my turn.
아프고 지칠 때는 기대어 잡은 걸어가
When you're hurting, or tired, lean on me, hold my hand, and walk on.
하루 같던 날들에
Days that felt like a single moment,
깊이 새긴 추억들 나를 깨워 마주해
Memories deeply etched, they awaken me, and I face them.
Day and night 전부가
Day and night, my everything,
손끝에서 나온 빛이 만든 거야 oh yeah
The light from your fingertips created me, oh yeah
멀리 떨어져 있는 같아
It feels like you're far away,
항상 곁에 있어도 불안한 상태
Even though you're always there, I'm still uneasy.
꽉, yeah
Hold me tighter, yeah,
안고 나서야 숨을 같아
Only then will I feel like I can breathe.
손잡아 줄게 너의 자리까지
I'll hold your hand, until we reach your place.
지금껏 나를 빛내기 위한 사랑이 감사해
Until now, your love has been my guiding light. Thank you.
손잡아 줄게 이젠 차례야
I'll hold your hand, now it's my turn.
아프고 지칠 때는 기대어 잡은 걸어가
When you're hurting, or tired, lean on me, hold my hand, and walk on.
약속할게 어두운 길에 캄캄할 때도
I promise, even when the path is dark and bleak,
위해 기도할 기억해 주저앉지 않을게
Remember that I'm praying for you, I won't give up.
벽을 하나 뒀다지 그게 너와의 경계선이라며
You built a wall, a boundary between us,
텀을 뒀다지 섣불리 가면 네가 다칠까
You asked for some space, afraid that if I rush in, I'll hurt you.
이제는 네게 깊게 새겨진 잔향으로 남아
Now, I remain with you as a lingering echo,
너를 둘러싼 잎사귀가 되어 작품으로 피워 보려
Becoming the leaves that surround you, blooming as one masterpiece.
손잡아 줄래 우리 꿈을 찾아
Will you hold my hand, as we search for our dream?
서투른 걸음 발맞춰 걸어 걸음씩 걸어가
With clumsy steps, we'll match our pace, and take each step together.
손잡아 줄래 영원히 함께해
Will you hold my hand, forever together?
앞으로 펼쳐질 우리 미래를 같이 손잡고 그려
Let's draw our future, hand in hand.
항상 나의 곁에 머물러 너에게
To you, who has always stayed by my side,
이제 너를 미소짓게 할게 약속해
I promise to make you smile.
너는 그냥 손만 잡으면
Just hold my hand,
잡은 걸어가
Walk with me, hand in hand.
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
(Oh-oh-oh-oh) Yeah, yeah
(Oh-oh-oh-oh) Yeah, yeah
같이 손잡고 그려
Together, hand in hand, let's draw our future.

Авторы: Young Bin Kim, Ju Ho Baek, Sebastian Berglund, Sung Ho Han, Jae Yoon Lee, Young Gyun Kim, Won Hyuk Kim, Chan Hee Kang

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