SFDK - Ternera Podrida (Zatu Vs. Shotta) [Bonus Track] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SFDK - Ternera Podrida (Zatu Vs. Shotta) [Bonus Track]

Ternera Podrida (Zatu Vs. Shotta) [Bonus Track]
Rotten Veal (Zatu Vs. Shotta) [Bonus Track]
Shura, odio tu odio a K.R.S.
Shura, I hate your hatred for K.R.S.
Mi cara será fea hermano la tuya es un pie,
My face may be ugly, bro, but yours is a foot,
Eres un títere,
You're a puppet,
Por eso en el sello no te fiché,
That's why I didn't sign you to the label,
Pides un veinte por ciento y no te mereces más de
You ask for twenty percent and you deserve no more than
Un diez,
Hoy ando por la calle con la autoridad de,
Today I walk down the street with the authority of
Un nota que sabe que Ignacio ladra y que no va
A dude who knows that Ignacio is a thief and won't
A morder,
Aunque se ponga borde,
Even if he gets cocky,
Tenemos que ver,
We have to see,
Esa cabeza de niño mongolo que le hace los coros
That mongoloid baby head that does the backing vocals
Al Manuel,
For Manuel,
Recuerdo aquel verano, en el parque en Pinomontano,
I remember that summer, in the park in Pinomontano,
Allí sabíamos que esas letras te las escribió tu hermano,
There we knew that your brother wrote those lyrics for you,
Todos flipábamos con Tote,
We were all tripping with Tote,
solo compartes litera y cuarto,
You only share a bunk bed and a room,
O sea que eres bueno de rebote,
So you're good by proxy,
Sal del edificio antes de que explote,
Get out of the building before it explodes,
Ni siquiera puedes ser el mejor rapero de
You can't even be the best rapper in
Tu bloque,
Your block,
Aunque te coloques de monguis, M o cocaína.
Even if you get high on monguis, M, or cocaine.
Zatu, tiene la cara del que tiene miedo,
Zatu has the face of someone who is afraid,
Alguno nuevo venga y le ponga el culo como un
Someone new comes and turns his ass into a
Drinking fountain,
Me acuerdo de tus pelos feos en el noventa y pico, creo,
I remember your ugly hair back in '90-something, I think,
Nadie te entendería porque hablabas mal, como en
Nobody would understand you because you spoke badly, like in
Hoy no me fumé ninguno, estoy despierto,
Today I didn't smoke any, I'm awake,
Has empezado a leer con treinta años, dime que no
You started reading at thirty, tell me it's not
Es cierto,
A no se me mata ni después de muerto,
I can't be killed even after I'm dead,
Eres un lerdo, con esa sonrisa de azafata en los
You're a slowpoke, with that flight attendant smile at
El primo de Promoe ensanchado,
Promoe's cousin rehearsing,
Te pareces a Paco Aguilera y su reggaetón
You look like Paco Aguilera and his flamenco
Cruzcampo te hizo famoso de la mano,
Cruzcampo made you famous by hand,
Flipabas con el Tote, yo no compito con
You were tripping with Tote, I don't compete with
Mis hermanos,
My brothers,
Estoy sentado en el bloque,
I'm sitting on the block,
Con el poeta pureta in the place,
With the pureta poet in the place,
Yo soy fan del Ingeniero y no del Niño Güey,
I'm a fan of El Ingeniero and not Niño Güey,
Es lamentable, dile que se compre un peine,
It's regrettable, tell him to buy a comb,
Y sea amable con el disfraz de veinte pavos,
And be kind with the twenty-buck costume,
Te odia hasta Bob Marley.
Even Bob Marley hates you.
Mi estilo es tu sauna,
My style is your sauna,
Tu selva es mi fauna,
Your jungle is my fauna,
Tuviste buenos padres, vaina,
You had good parents, girl,
Dime por qué arrastras esos traumas,
Tell me why you drag those traumas,
Un cuerpo Fido Dido en un rapero enfurecido,
A Fido Dido body in an enraged rapper,
Es tan reconocido que hasta junior se mete contigo,
He's so well known that even Junior messes with you,
Deberías de hacer un libro con tus crisis,
You should write a book about your crises,
Olvida ya Sevilla y ve a chupársela al Griffi,
Forget about Seville and go suck Griffi's dick,
Tengo fatiga, castigo tu falta de disciplina,
I'm fatigued, I punish your lack of discipline,
Buscas broncas y te escondes con tus colegas
You look for fights and hide with your buddies
De Shapina,
From Shapina,
Dos tarrinas de vaselina, sal de tu guarida,
Two tubs of Vaseline, come out of your hideout,
Pureta Wear es la marca que te abriga,
Pureta Wear is the brand that keeps you warm,
No tienes calle tienes dudas,
You don't have street, you have doubts,
Ve a la tele y te censuran,
Go on TV and you'll get censored,
En Música 1, no la pintas, haces caricaturas,
In Music 1, you don't paint, you make cartoons,
Qué vienen a contarme a estas alturas,
What are they coming to tell me at this point,
Historias de que la calle es dura o que tus cejas
Stories that the street is hard or that your eyebrows
Son peludas,
Are hairy,
Y es que en la Sexta se te apoda Shura,
And that's because on La Sexta they call you Shura,
Yo tengo patas en el nabo y les tengo que
I have paws on my dick and I have to
Poner herraduras.
Put horseshoes on them.
Yo, andas por la calle con la utoridad de un nabo,
Yo, you walk down the street with the authority of a dick,
2005, llena tus bolsillos estoy en el lavabo,
2005, fill your pockets, I'm in the bathroom,
Vomitando antes de un concierto,
Vomiting before a concert,
Me he metido...,
I got involved...
Con tu colega Junior y todo Triana se ha encendido,
With your buddy Junior and all of Triana has lit up,
Shotta escupe catedrales, ya ves mis vocales,
Shotta spits cathedrals, you see my vocals,
Sal de los hoteles, bueno, por lo menos eres
Get out of the hotels, well, at least you're
Yo que no ceno, ojalá te mate un fan como a John Lennon,
I don't have dinner, I wish a fan would kill you like John Lennon,
El monstruo de los Goonies tiene suerte ya verá.
The Goonies monster is lucky, you'll see.
Con sus piernas del cruji-pollo sólo comes libélulas,
With your KFC chicken legs, you only eat dragonflies,
Al final te lloverá mi lluvia dorada, sin avisar,
In the end my golden shower will rain on you, without warning,
Cada vez que sales a la calle te crees que te van a
Every time you go out you think they're going to
Robar y es normal,
Rob you, and it's normal,
Ni que nacieras en el vacíe,
Even if you weren't born in the wasteland,
Es para que te vacíen,
It's for them to empty you,
Saliste vivo de Chile por poco así que sonríe
You barely got out of Chile alive so smile
Que mil discípulos míos te la lien,
That a thousand disciples of mine fill you up,
Te envíen quinientos kies y ni tu perro Juan es fíe.
Send you five hundred kies and not even your dog Juan is loyal.
Con cara de pan de pueblo y con más letras
With a face like village bread and with more lyrics
Que la Biblia,
Than the Bible,
Ponen, copión de Jesuly en Internet, normal
They put, Jesuly's copycat on the Internet, it's normal
Que entone,
That he sings,
Si mis dones son suposiciones, échame esa caja de condones,
If my gifts are assumptions, throw me that box of condoms,
Y deja que te lecciones,
And let me give you lessons,
Tus letras son del Micho, literatura Su hermano,
Your lyrics are from Micho, his brother's literature,
No pisas Pinomontano ni de broma todo se ha
You don't step on Pinomontano even as a joke, everything has been
Estamos harto de tanto bastardo, ya,
We're sick of so many bastards, already,
El diablo de alma buena condena tu canto y tu
The devil with a good soul condemns your singing and your
Puesta en escena,
Porque lloras tanto, paraces un actor barato
Because you cry so much, you look like a cheap actor
Y paleto,
And a hick,
Sin tu DJ no eres nadie todos mis respetos,
Without your DJ you are nobody, all my respect,
Ponte un sello y dame un diez por ciento en tu oficina,
Start a label and give me ten percent in your office,
Tócate el clítoris y pon mi disco en tu vitrína,
Touch your clitoris and put my record in your display case,
Si parto el litro de cerveza nadie opina,
If I break the liter of beer nobody has an opinion,
Si no fueras con el Loko de coros te
If you didn't go with Loko for backing vocals, you'd
Cagarías encima,
Shit yourself,
Me meo en tu BMW, en el capó de lejos,
I piss on your BMW, on the hood from afar,
Muchos paparazzi hay, no te desnudes borracho, es
There are a lot of paparazzi, don't get naked drunk, it's
Un consejo.
A tip.
¿Consejo?, acaba el curso de informático,
Advice? Finish your computer course,
Y dile a tu viejo que te renueve en el club náutico,
And tell your old man to renew your membership at the yacht club,
Que Borja y Pocholo te esperen,
Let Borja and Pocholo wait for you,
y tu borrachera, dices que la perdiste,
You and your drunkenness, you say you lost it,
Pero te picaron la cartera,
But they picked your pocket,
Cerca de los trinta pero cuidome en salud,
Close to thirty but I take care of my health,
Por eso aguanto en un contierto el doble que tú,
That's why I can last twice as long as you at a concert,
De nombre Zatu versus la putilla del sur,
Named Zatu versus the southern whore,
Ponte un bikini y ve a limpiarte el Lamborghini a
Put on a bikini and go clean the Lamborghini at
Mucho Mu (¡uh!)
Mucho Mu (uh!)
Miro ese cuerpo, recuerdo algún incesto,
I look at that body, I remember some incest,
Y digo tu nombre por compromiso en mis directos,
And I say your name out of obligation in my live shows,
O tus muertos, te veo en el Messenger y me desconecto,
Or your dead, I see you on Messenger and I disconnect,
Me debes algo, pestoso, te háras famoso después
You owe me something, stinky, you'll be famous after
De esto,
Que quieres más cogrecto, traes la "egre" de defecto,
You want more "cogrect," you bring the "egre" by default,
Mis golpes con efecto, versus tu rollito retro,
My punches with effect, versus your retro thing,
Diez años de carrera y me hablas de innovar,
Ten years of career and you talk to me about innovation,
(¡tío!) Tu tema La Selva es como le mensaje de
(Dude!) Your song La Selva is like the message of
GrandMaster Flash.
GrandMaster Flash.

Авторы: Oscar L Sanchez Perez, Saturnino Rey Garcia, Ignacio Gonzalez Rodriguez

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