If life throws you a curve, consider if you did it right
No busques "por qués", será lo mejor oh oh oh oh...
Don't look for "whys", it will be for the best oh oh oh oh...
Si se te tuerce la vida medita si lo hiciste bien
If life throws you a curve, consider if you did it right
No busques "por qués", será lo mejor oh oh oh oh...
Don't look for "whys", it will be for the best oh oh oh oh...
Te voy a hablar de él, moreno bajito y viril,
I'm gonna tell you about him, short, dark, and virile,
No tiene miedo y pilla cocaína en las 3000, su moto es un misil... sí,
He's fearless and scores cocaine in the 3000s, his motorcycle's a missile... yeah,
Y su vida un símil,
And his life's a simile,
Casado con la muerte pero soltero su estado civil. Va por ahí,
Married to death but single in his marital status. He goes around,
Con la boca descuadrá de la cara, interpreta como un duelo todas las miradas,
With his mouth out of square with his face, interpreting every gaze as a duel,
Son los Clandestinos, tienen 20 motos pa 50 amigos,
They are the Clandestinos, they have 20 motorcycles for 50 friends,
35 juicios pero no son victimas ni testigos.
35 trials but they're neither victims nor witnesses.
La mayoría no supera con su edad la minoría señor,
Most of them haven't reached the age of majority, ma'am,
Amparados en la ley del menor. Sábado noche es un reto, en un garito completo,
Protected by the law of the minor. Saturday night is a challenge, in a packed bar,
Siempre se cruza un paleto al que partirle tol careto.
There's always some jerk who crosses his path to smash his face in.
Solo espero que su madre este pagando el Ocaso, entraron los porteros,
I just hope his mom is paying for Ocaso (insurance), the bouncers came in,
Salieron volando los vasos, el acero abrió la carne clamando venganza y ahora se cuelga todo el peso en tu lado de la balanza y danza no te salva una tranza,
Glasses went flying, steel opened flesh crying out for revenge and now all the weight hangs on your side of the scale and dancing won't save you from a tangle,
Acaba en una celda con ventanas pero no entra la esperanza
He ends up in a cell with windows but hope doesn't enter
Desde que la mili obligatoria salió de cartel
Since mandatory military service went off the poster
Solo se es hombre cuando sales de la cárcel (pfffffff).
You're only a man when you get out of jail (pfffffff).
Menudo hotel, ahora solo te queda, vacilar de pulsera.
What a hotel, now all you have left is to show off your bracelet.
La vida te esta hablando y parece que lo haga en Euskera,
Life is talking to you and it seems like it's doing it in Basque,
Las leyes se te enredan, la vista no es certera
The laws get tangled up, your vision isn't clear
Y yo no traigo moraleja hermano...
And I don't have a moral to the story, sister...
Ahí se queda.
There it is.
Cuidado con El Ruinas
Beware of El Ruinas
Detrás de cada esquina
Behind every corner
Puestos de cocaína...
Cocaine stands...
Vive la vida sin freros,
He lives life without brothers,
Va pisando fondo,
He's hitting rock bottom,
Volátil cuál keroseno...
Volatile like kerosene...
Si te acercas siempre quema,
If you get close, he always burns,
Lo único que tiene en la vida son problemas,
The only thing he has in life are problems,
(Ui ui ui) que llega la policía
(Ui ui ui) the police are coming
Otro más que jamás verá la luz del día...
Another one who will never see the light of day...
Te voy a hablar de él, rubito grandote y gordo,
I'm gonna tell you about him, blond, big and fat,
Las niñas de su clase le apodaban anti-morbo,
The girls in his class called him anti-hot,
El deporte era un estorbo y pa colmo absurdo,
Sports were a nuisance and on top of that, absurd,
Soñaba con Mordor y con morcillas de Burgos,
He dreamed of Mordor and blood sausages from Burgos,
Va cada día a la FNAC a mirar las estanterías knock knock knockinon heavens door.
He goes to FNAC every day to look at the shelves knock knock knockinon heavens door.
Asi vivía su rap ronda ya los trenti solo liga con las crías por el tuentiiii,
That's how he lived his rap, he's already around thirty, he only hooks up with chicks on Tuentiiii,
La mayoría no supera con su edad la minoría señor,
Most of them haven't reached the age of majority, ma'am,
Que le apliquen protección al menor.
They should apply protection to the minor.
Sábado noche es un reto en un garito completo,
Saturday night is a challenge, in a packed bar,
Siempre se cruza un paleto que viene a partirle el careto.
There's always some jerk who comes to smash his face in.
Solo espera que no sepa que chatea con su hermana,
He just hopes he doesn't know he's chatting with his sister,
Y le enchufa la web-cam, le pide que pose en pijama.
And he plugs in the webcam, asks her to pose in pajamas.
Se cree más listo que el resto de los mortales
He thinks he's smarter than the rest of the mortals
Pero su Nick figura en los archivos policiales
But his nickname is in the police files
Asique sabe su contraseña y clave
So they know his password and key
Acaba en una ducha en comuna con ladrones y criminales.
He ends up in a communal shower with thieves and criminals.
Recibe un trato militar en la trena
He receives military treatment in the slammer
El que se hizo insumiso por no cortarse la melena.
The one who became a conscientious objector so he wouldn't have to cut his hair.
El preso se redime sumiso a quien le oprime
The prisoner redeems himself submissive to whoever oppresses him
La vida esta llorando y coño nadie le da un Kleenex,
Life is crying and damn, nobody gives him a Kleenex,
En mi 6º lo que me define
In my 6th sense what defines me
Es que no hago canciones hago guiones de cine
Is that I don't make songs, I make movie scripts
Cuidado con El Ruinas,
Beware of El Ruinas,
Detrás de la cortina,
Behind the curtain,
No es como imaginas,
He's not what you imagine,
Basa su vida en lo obsceno,
He bases his life on the obscene,
Va tocando fondo con la punta de los dedos...
He's hitting rock bottom with his fingertips...
Si te acercas siempre queman,
If you get close, they always burn,
Lo único que tienen en la vida son problemas,
The only thing they have in life are problems,
(Ui ui ui) que llega la policía,
(Ui ui ui) the police are coming,
Uno más que jamás verá la luz del día...
One more who will never see the light of day...
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