With clouded eyes, he wouldn't know what it feels like,
Tomo una decision inconciente, nunca llora de dolor o de alegria porque las lagrimas mienten.
He made an unconscious decision, never to cry in pain or joy because tears lie.
En su mente señales, ojos como puñales, son lo que lo hace diferente.
Signals in his mind, eyes like daggers, are what make him different.
Toma el gajo. Mira y se queda callado.
He takes the joint. He looks and remains silent.
No recuerda el parco asi que no recuerda haber llorado nunca.
He doesn't remember the park so he doesn't remember ever crying.
Broncas que le buscan los compas. Frio, lios trapos sucios y compas.
Fights that his buddies look for. Cold, messes, dirty laundry and buddies.
Ventas poco claras hasta que explota la bomba, rompiendolo todo provocando que se rompa.
Unclear sales until the bomb explodes, breaking everything, causing him to break.
La sombra con los ojos secos como un ciego, ciego en la litera toca el techo con los dedos, dedos pegagosos, ego.
The shadow with dry eyes like a blind man, blind in the bunk, touches the ceiling with his fingers, sticky fingers, ego.
Fuego en su interior entrando y saliendo del talego, no es un juego, nadie le aguanta la mirada. pues sus ojos son espejos pero no reflejan nada.
Fire inside him entering and leaving the slammer, it's not a game, no one can hold his gaze, for his eyes are mirrors but they reflect nothing.
Ni bueno ni malo; nada. Como no hay nada que decir, lengua atrapada, boca cerrada. Mira sus pupilas dilatadas de ojos secos, cuando sube para el norte con un porte de marruecos nadie a quien le importe y se pregunta, por qué estoy sintiendo ahora algo que no he sentido nunca?
Neither good nor bad; nothing. As there is nothing to say, tongue trapped, mouth shut. He looks at his dilated pupils with dry eyes, when he goes up north with a Moroccan demeanor, no one cares, and he asks himself, why am I feeling something now that I've never felt before?
El golpe de efecto que le vino a cambiqar
The shock that came to change him
La falta de afecto que le impide llorar
The lack of affection that prevents him from crying
Despues del dia sexto el pretexto perfecto
After the sixth day, the perfect excuse
Para llorar libre y no ponerselo al mal.
To cry freely and not blame it on evil.
De mayor, Jeray lloro, como Jeremias, por to'a la rabia contenida.
As an adult, Jeray cried, like Jeremiah, for all the pent-up rage.
Por las tuyas por las tuyas por las mias, heridas que solo cura una tia.
For yours, for yours, for mine, wounds that only an aunt can heal.
Al menos asi fue como paso, pagando un error, pues ya conocio en comisaria.
At least that's how it happened, paying for a mistake, since he already knew in the police station.
Nacia el primer brote de una flor, que crecia al sol, sin pensar que el sol se apagaria.
The first bud of a flower was born, growing in the sun, without thinking that the sun would go out.
Y esto que era verano hacia calor, se marchito, barriendo sus propios petalos.
And this that was summer, it was hot, it withered, sweeping its own petals.
Siempre tuvo secretos que guardo pero hoy dia otra persona los conocia.
He always had secrets that he kept, but today another person knew them.
Y eso le quema por dentro, por dentro ardia, siempre dio mas de lo que le ofrecian.
And that burns him inside, inside he burned, he always gave more than what they offered him.
Frente al espejo dijo to'a estas lagrimas son mias sin saber si eran de pena o de alegria.
In front of the mirror, he said all these tears are mine, not knowing if they were of sadness or joy.
Secandose un cachete suspiro, le gusto tanto, expulso cuarenta años de llanto.
Drying a cheek, he sighed, he liked it so much, he expelled forty years of crying.
Bendice cicatrices interiores y bendice a las mujeres que hacen que los hombres lloren.
He blesses inner scars and blesses the women who make men cry.
En armonia, hipersensibilidad, Jeray es un Jeday primo, poder mental.
In harmony, hypersensitivity, Jeray is a Jedi cousin, mental power.
Ahora lo se te doy mi garantia, los hombres si lloran miguel bose se confundia.
Now I know, I give you my guarantee, men do cry, Miguel Bosé was wrong.
El golpe de efecto que le vino a cambiqar
The shock that came to change him
La falta de afecto que le impide llorar
The lack of affection that prevents him from crying
Despues del dia sexto el pretexto perfecto
After the sixth day, the perfect excuse
Para llorar libre y no ponerselo al mal.
To cry freely and not blame it on evil.
BY @SaezSoriano ;)
BY @SaezSoriano ;)
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