she - Discordia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни she - Discordia

Tuve que meterme en las drogas para ver cómo se salía
I had to dive into drugs to see how to escape,
tuve que mentir a sangre fría
I had to lie in cold blood,
tuve que perderte para saber de verdad lo que tenía
I had to lose you to truly know what I had,
y estar solo para poder valorar tu compañía
and be alone to appreciate your company.
Tuve que marcharme, tuve que volver
I had to leave, I had to return,
tuve que cerrar fuerte los ojos para ver
I had to close my eyes tightly to see,
tuve que olvidarte para no saber quién eras
I had to forget you to not know who you were,
y así en otro día cualquiera te pudiera conocer
so that on another ordinary day, I could meet you again.
Tuve que morir antes de empezar a vivir
I had to die before I started living,
porque solo cuando mueres y vuelves, lo entiendes
because only when you die and come back, you understand,
y no tuve más opción que la de verte feliz
and I had no other choice but to see you happy,
pues de no haber sido así no conocerías la suerte
for if it hadn't been so, you wouldn't know luck.
Tuve que seguir el cauce, comer del sauce
I had to follow the stream, eat from the willow,
buscar el norte, beber mi sangre
search for the north, drink my blood,
nunca escapé de ese trance y lo supe tarde:
I never escaped that trance and I learned it late:
que perder a quien amas es el verdadero cáncer...
that losing who you love is the true cancer...
Tuve que dejar que te abrazaran otros
I had to let others embrace you,
lo hice por castigo propio, me puse en tu piel
I did it as my own punishment, I put myself in your shoes,
tuve esa herida y, lo admito, me sentí roto
I had that wound and, I admit, I felt broken,
pero ahora ya cuánto duele que te sean infiel
but now I know how much it hurts to be cheated on.
Tuve que dejar que me llamaras "loco"
I had to let you call me "crazy",
y es que todo me parece poco, que a ti también
and it's just that everything seems little to me, I know it does to you too,
tuve depresión bajo la presión del foco
I had depression under the pressure of the spotlight,
nadie se dio cuenta, que tampoco...
no one noticed, I know you didn't either...
Tuve que frenar para comenzar de cero
I had to stop to start from scratch,
tuve frío y celos, fui el último y el primero
I was cold and jealous, I was the last and the first,
he tocado con mis putas manos el cielo
I have touched the sky with my damn hands,
pero antes tuve que arrodillarme y besar el suelo
but first I had to kneel and kiss the ground.
Nunca supe cómo controlar mi ego
I never knew how to control my ego,
tuve que dejar de huir de mis miedos
I had to stop running from my fears,
te dije 'me matas' cuando era un 'me muero'
I told you 'you kill me' when it was a 'I'm dying',
te grité un 'te odio' para callarme un 'te quiero'.
I yelled 'I hate you' to silence a 'I love you'.
Todo lo que puedo hacer es olvidar
All I can do is forget,
la vida no me va a dar lo que le pedí
life won't give me what I asked for,
detrás de cada principio se esconde un final
behind every beginning there is an ending,
el mío será solo hablándome de ti
mine will be just talking to myself about you.
Ya conozco esa cara de 'me das igual'
I already know that 'I don't care' look on your face,
yo tengo la de 'no te librarás de mí'
I have the one that says 'you won't get rid of me',
el tiempo me dirá que deje de luchar
time will tell me to stop fighting,
pero mi corazón no se conformará, dirá: 'no lo dejes así'
but my heart won't settle, it will say: 'don't leave it like this'.
Tuve que ser nada antes de comenzar a ser
I had to be nothing before I started being,
tuve que llorar para aprender cómo reír
I had to cry to learn how to laugh,
tuve que sufrir antes de aprender a sentir
I had to suffer before I learned to feel,
tuve que ver sol primero antes de ver llover
I had to see the sun first before I saw the rain.
Tuve que escribir para entender qué sucedía
I had to write to understand what was happening,
tuve al demonio delante mía.
I had the devil in front of me.
Tuve que matarlo, y así se fue...
I had to kill him, and so he left...
¡Lo mismo pasa con los miedos, con Dios y con la fe!
The same thing happens with fears, with God and with faith!
Tuve que caer hasta llegar al fondo
I had to fall until I hit the bottom,
ya le di la vuelta al mundo, volví y me hice el sordo
I went around the world, came back and played deaf,
duele lo que vi pero no vine a hacer el tonto
it hurts what I saw but I didn't come here to play the fool,
yo quiero más de ti pero que ya no te importo
I want more from you but I know you don't care about me anymore.
Tuve que besar para saber cómo se amaba
I had to kiss to know how to love,
luego tuve que perder para entender cuándo ganaba
then I had to lose to understand when I was winning,
tuve que enfermar para saber cómo sanar
I had to get sick to know how to heal,
al final tuve que vivir para entender que no nada
in the end I had to live to understand that I know nothing.
Todo lo que puedo hacer es olvidar
All I can do is forget,
la vida no me va a dar lo que le pedí
life won't give me what I asked for,
detrás de cada principio se esconde un final
behind every beginning there is an ending,
el mío será solo hablándome de ti.
mine will be just talking to myself about you.
Ya conozco esa cara de 'me das igual'
I already know that 'I don't care' look on your face,
yo tengo la de 'no te librarás de mí'
I have the one that says 'you won't get rid of me',
el tiempo me dirá que deje de luchar
time will tell me to stop fighting,
pero mi corazón no se conformará, dirá: no lo dejes así
but my heart won't settle, it will say: don't leave it like this.

Авторы: she

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