she - Me despido de ti Ft. Gema - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни she - Me despido de ti Ft. Gema

Me despido de ti Ft. Gema
I Say Goodbye to You Ft. Gema
Uh, eh-eh
Uh, eh-eh
Yo no puedo darte lo que pides, porque yo nunca lo tuve
I can't give you what you ask for, because I never had it
Hubiese tenido que haberlo hecho mejor cuando pude
I should have done better when I could
Pero dudé, porque sólo veo el miedo cuando noto que te pierdo
But I hesitated, because I only see fear when I feel I'm losing you
Como el solo entre las nubes
Like the solo among the clouds
A pesar de que te esfumes, llevo encima tu perfume
Even though you fade away, I still carry your scent
Y aunque no aprendí a mostrarte cuánto te amo, que me
And even though I haven't learned to show you how much I love you, I know you
Das algo increíble y ni siquiera lo presumes
Give me something incredible and you don't even brag about it
No eres como yo que falla, calla y no lo asume, amor, ¡ayúdame!
You're not like me who fails, keeps quiet and doesn't own up to it, love, help me!
que sonara ridículo
I know it will sound ridiculous
No estoy preparado para romper nuestro vínculo
I'm not ready to break our bond
Es un círculo de heridas y caricias como un ciclo
It's a circle of wounds and caresses like a cycle
Quiero envejecer contigo, es todo lo que exigo
I want to grow old with you, that's all I demand
Ahora ya camino recto, no mezclo y, por eso, crezco
Now I walk straight, I don't mix and that's why I grow
Aprendí a separar virtudes y defectos
I learned to separate virtues and defects
me has abierto los ojos y te lo agradezco, amor
You opened my eyes and I thank you for it, love
Mi plan es ser feliz y no perfecto
My plan is to be happy, not perfect
No siento tan lejos y yo quiero huír (Quiero huír)
I don't feel so far away and I want to flee (I want to flee)
El miedo a perderte dejó de existir (Dejó de existir)
The fear of losing you ceased to exist (Ceased to exist)
Es que no quiero ser esa parte que ves (No quiero hacer esta parte)
It's just that I don't want to be that part you see (I don't want to be this part)
Asumo mi error me despido de ti (Me despido de ti)
I own my mistake, I say goodbye to you (I say goodbye to you)
Creer es lo que hace, a veces, no rendirse
Believing is what sometimes makes you not give up
Dicen como crecer significa aprender a despedirse
They say growing up means learning to say goodbye
Es triste dejar marchar a quien quisiste
It's sad to let go of someone you loved
Estuvo a tu lado diario, pero no lo viste
They were by your side every day, but you didn't see it
Admite ya que nos perdimos
Admit that we lost ourselves
Fuimos felices un día, pero eso quedó en el camino
We were happy one day, but that was left behind
Intentando salvar de las llamas lo que fuimos
Trying to save from the flames what we were
En diez minutos lo arreglamos lo que en cinco años rompimos
In ten minutes we fix what we broke in five years
No supimos llevar a cabo lo que prometimos
We didn't know how to carry out what we promised
No aceptamos que no somos la pareja que quisimos
We didn't accept that we are not the couple we wanted to be
Y así estamos, cada uno por su lado, hablándonos por estados
And so we are, each on our own, talking to each other through statuses
En lugar de mirarnos y gritarnos: "¿qué ha pasado?"
Instead of looking at each other and shouting: "what happened?"
Tal vez fui yo, según tú, no soy el mismo de antes
Maybe it was me, according to you, I'm not the same as before
Quizá eres que nunca quisiste arriesgarte
Maybe it's you who never wanted to take a risk
Quizás soy yo que jamás aprendí a quererte
Maybe it's me who never learned to love you
O tal vez los dos no entendimos nunca esta puta parte
Or maybe we both never understood this damn part
No siento tan lejos y yo quiero huír (Quiero huír)
I don't feel so far away and I want to flee (I want to flee)
El miedo a perderte dejó de existir
The fear of losing you ceased to exist
Es que no quiero ser esa parte que ves (No quiero hacer esta parte)
It's just that I don't want to be that part you see (I don't want to be this part)
Asumo mi error me despido de ti
I own my mistake, I say goodbye to you
Ya no ni cuántas veces hemos llegado a este punto
I don't even know how many times we've reached this point
Te pregunto cómo estás, me dices que ya no es mi asunto
I ask you how you are, you tell me it's none of my business anymore
Se hace tan extraño esta mierda de no estar juntos
This shit of not being together is getting so weird
Parecemos otros, no nosotros, no te importo y punto
We seem like other people, not us, you don't care about me, period
Ayer estaba toda bien pero, de pronto, cambió todo
Yesterday everything was fine but, suddenly, everything changed
llorabas porque yo nunca comprendo
You cried because I never understand
estás harta de mi vida y yo también
You're tired of my life and so am I
Pero, mira, sólo rimar palabras, el resto solo es mentira
But, look, I only know how to rhyme words, the rest is just a lie
Yo estoy harto de sentirme así, me haces sentir culpable
I'm tired of feeling this way, you make me feel guilty
De que nada cambie y todo sea por mí,
That nothing changes and it's all because of me, yes
Siento que esto no te sirva, sin más, deja que te insista
I feel that this doesn't help you, just let me insist
Yo no qué quieres que haga, al menos dame alguna pista
I don't know what you want me to do, at least give me a clue
No supe ser fiel ni detallista
I didn't know how to be faithful or attentive
Pero, cada vez que caiga, seré el primero en tu lista
But, every time you fall, I'll be the first on your list
Hay personas que no aceptan que el amor también acaba
There are people who don't accept that love also ends
Y al final es que no cuentan qué sintió el protagonista
And in the end, they don't tell what the protagonist felt
Ya dejé esa mala vida, los vídeos y las manías
I already left that bad life, the videos and the manias
Y a costumbre de a sufrir, sólo porque no eres mía
And the habit of suffering, just because you're not mine
Se deshace el nudo que me ahogaba por tu ausencia
The knot that choked me due to your absence is coming undone
Y se abren otras puertas que hasta yo desconocía
And other doors are opening that even I didn't know existed
Voy a dejar de matarme cada día, lo juro
I'm going to stop killing myself every day, I swear
Voy hacer que todo cambie, que ya no me joda nadie
I'm going to make everything change, so that no one messes with me anymore
No me esfuerzo en olvidarte porque no se olvida
I don't make an effort to forget you because you can't forget
Se aprende a vivir con ello y sentir el dolor al aire
You learn to live with it and feel the pain in the air
No siento tan lejos y yo quiero huír (Escucha)
I don't feel so far away and I want to flee (Listen)
El miedo a perderte dejó de existir (El miedo ya no está)
The fear of losing you ceased to exist (The fear is gone)
Es que no quiero ser esa parte que ves (No quiero ser el de antes)
It's just that I don't want to be that part you see (I don't want to be the old me)
Asumo mi error me despido de ti (Amor, me despido de ti, yeh)
I own my mistake, I say goodbye to you (Love, I say goodbye to you, yeah)
Esto se ha acabado, ¿entiendes? (Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh)
This is over, understand? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Tengo que hacerlo, escucha (Uoh-oh-oh)
I have to do it, listen (Uoh-oh-oh)
Me despido de ti, para siempre (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
I say goodbye to you, forever (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Olvídate de todo, el daño ya está hecho
Forget everything, the damage is done
No volveremos a hablar nunca
We will never talk again
Hoy sales de mi vida, contigo se acabó
Today you leave my life, it's over with you
Mi vida es esta, el que quiera estar conmigo tendra que aceptarlo
This is my life, whoever wants to be with me will have to accept it
Shé, Gema (Oh, oh, oh)
Shé, Gema (Oh, oh, oh)
Me despido de ti, es el final
I say goodbye to you, it's the end
Dos, cero, uno, siete, tiempo
Two, zero, one, seven, time
(Me despido de ti, olvídate de todo. Fin)
(I say goodbye to you, forget everything. End)

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